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Chapter 1

He’s in front of my locker again, but this time with another girl.  He always has a different girl at the other end of his mouth whenever I see him, and to be quite frank, I wouldn’t mind as long as he wasn’t on my locker.

His slightly curly blonde hair is as messy as ever, and his tall frame would be intimidating if he weren’t playing tongue hockey with yet another girl. I feel a frown form on my lips as I clutch my books tighter and walk towards him.

Even though I’m standing directly in front of him, he chooses to ignore me, and I’m certain that he’s aware of my presence. He always is. It’s like he does this ritual everyday just to irritate me.

I clear my throat and immediately he opens one of his bright blue eyes and smirks into the kiss that he’s still delivering, and I scowl at him openly.

“You’re on my locker,” I say, making sure to glare. My voice seems to startle the girl, and even though she hears me, she continues making out with him, and he seems to not care about what I say. I narrow my eyes at him dangerously.

Both of his eyes are open now and he gently pulls away from the girl and widens his smirk, “Sorry. I guess I was too busy to notice.”

I roll my eyes, “Right.” I turn my gaze to the blonde haired girl in his arms, and without surprise, I notice her glare. I crinkle my nose in disgust as I quickly flicker my eyes over what she’s wearing and return my stare to him.

“I don’t know why you’re still standing here. I thought I told you to move,” I add. He pushes the girl away, whose jaw drops and cheeks flame in embarrassment. I pity the girl, but I guess it’s her fault that she ignored the fact that he’s a player.

The girl flares her nostrils and turns around to walk away, and I scowl deeper at him when I still see him looking me over. “You’re an asshole, you know that? Using girls just for your own entertainment…”

He grins mischievously and leans closer to me as his forearm rests on my locker, “Somebody’s jealous,” he licks his lips, “But it doesn’t have to stay that way. You are the only one that can change my ways.” He takes a step closer to me, and his body would have been on mine if my folder and textbook weren’t pressed against my chest.

I stiffen and nervously take a step back, “Back off, Wes.”

He frowns at my response but does what I say anyway, but yet he’s still blocking my locker. I can feel my blood boil, “Can you get off of my locker?” He smirks wider, “Please?”

“Well, because you said please,” he says grinning as he takes a step back, now in his own locker territory. I twist the lock and place in my combination, and I feel my stomach doing these weird twist and turns with all the gazes thrown at me. I flicker my eyes to Wes and notice that he’s staring at me.  I gulp, “Are you seriously just going to stand there and stare at me?”

He smiles, “Why? Do I make you nervous?”

I feel my cheeks heating up, “No!” Stupid random high pitched voice. “It’s just weird!”

Wes smiles widely and lowers his head to match my height. He then extends his head to my ear and his breath against my neck makes me shiver. “Ally,” he whispers, “We both know that’s not true.” He pulls his head back and shows me his signature smirk before turning around and walking away, but not without giving me a wink and a wave.

I stand still staring after him with a bewildered expression; my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide. I gulp and feel myself blush when I notice all the looks thrown at me, especially from the angry girls, and I immediately turn back to my locker. I enter the combination and replace my materials with the ones I need for third period. As I place my yellow folder inside my locker, I feel someone next to me opening his locker, and I instantly recognize who it is.

Something within me snaps, like a stoic beast had just been awakened.  I do everything I need to do and replace my book as well as slam my locker shut, startling the boy next to me. I stalk off without a glance at him, and the whole time I walk away, I can feel his gaze on my back.

Class went by, boring as usual.  Taking notes was a pain in the neck, especially since my AP English 12 teacher, Mrs. Stern, loves to make long power points.  Then, in my next class, AP Chemistry, Mr. Mardatti gave us a pop quiz, and let’s just say that he loves to print.  And then after that, I had AP Calculus II exam to take so my teacher could “test our knowledge so she knows what our weaknesses are.”

All this much shit, only in a span of two weeks for the new school year.  I’m a senior this year and thank God for that because I am really getting tired of this school.  Hawthorne Bryce High School is probably the worst high school you could ever attend in the state.  Of course, it has a super high rating because of its excellent teachers and safe, clean, and expensive environment, but all in all, no adult really knows what happens in this school.

Full of lying, manipulating, selfish people, it’s hard to know who’s a real human or not.  No, I’m not saying that this is some cliché Wattpad story about werewolves, I’m trying to say that everyone here is fake, that they’re too afraid to be who they are, and are always trying to please others.

My freshman year, I lost my best friend because of social status during the third week of school, on September 17.  I know, I realize how cliché this sounds, but he seriously was my best friend—my brother even.  Sometimes, I thought of him a different way, but he was really the only person I was able to confide in. 

Ever since freshman year, I’ve been quiet and have tried to avoid people at all costs.  Of course, I have a friend now, and this time it’s a she, but I really just stay quiet around people.  Wes, on the other hand, he just keeps…hitting on me. 

Ever since last year, he’s been talking to me and he flirts with me shamelessly.  It doesn’t help that his last name is Bellack, because his locker has been right next to mine for four years straight.  In Freshman year, all he did was give me a pitying look and a few glances, maybe a word or two. Sophomore year he made some small chit chat, Junior year, he actually started talking to me, and he initiated the phase where I become a toy to flirt with, and this year, he’s been offering sex nearly every time he sees me.  His ex-girlfriends keep picking on me due to his “talks”, and he’s oblivious to all of it!

My new friend, Jainie Wilson isn’t like the kids that I mentioned above.  She literally moved into town during the summer, right down the street from me, and we’ve been super close ever since.  She has aurburn hair, although it’s more of a red tint, and has icy blue eyes.  She stands at a tall height, one that I really envy, and she is a sweetheart.  Once when we were hanging around downtown, a bunch of kids happened to be walking by and they started picking on me, but Jainie stood up for me and told them to back off. 

Jainie knows everything about me, and by everything, I mean everything.  I even told her about the Orlando incident, and all of the things we went through.  At first I wondered why I kept telling her, and when I apologized for telling her my whole life story, she just responded with a laugh and a “It’s alright! It sounds exactly like a cliché story I would normally read!”

Boy, you could say that again.


So, I will be updating this, but the chapters will be pretty short, but I will try to make them more consistant. We'll see what happens for this story, however I don't really expect much.

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