"My Princess"

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Once Upon a Time

There lived an adventurous princess named "Heart Donveur". She is not a typical and fancy girl, but, she is a silent but adventurous type of girl. Everyday during daytime Heart would immediately escape through the palace in her window and not leaving a single track of her as she then managed to escape. As she was enjoying the outside world, She accidentally bumped a boy like her age and apologized.  As heart apologized the lad didn't get mad, yet he answered heart with a smile on his face saying

Unknown boy:It's alright, no need to apologize atleast you didn't get hurt...

*Heart nodded her head*
Heart then asked the boy what his name was

Heart:hey I'm sorry about earlier...but was is your nam-

She then sees the sun set through the vast she ran back to the palace in an instant....
As Heart got back from the palace just in time that her mother came into her room. Her mother told Heart that it was time for dinner and asked her why her face is so red. The family were eating dinner while talking about for tomorrow's school.

Queen Donveur:So Heart are your things ready for school tomorrow?

Heart: y-yes mother
Replied Heart nervously

After dinner Heart took a bath and went straight right to bed.


Maids: Heart wake up! Today is your first day of your new school

Heart: oh gosh! I forgot! Thank you I'll go wash up and head straight down.

Maids: as you wish your majesty

Heart went down to eat breakfast and got to school early.......As she got to school many students were watching her because Heart is a transferred student. As she got in to her class her classmates stared at her while being in a awkward situation.The teacher asked Heart to introduce her name and things about her....As Heart spoke the children gossip at one another about the fact that she is the Princess...Heart sat in her chair in complete silence....

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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