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"Tch..." I turned around and followed Zero until I unintentionally asked him...

"Will you accept the offer?"


-Chapter 6-

"What do you think your saying Izumi?!"

My sister asked angrily as she sat beside me with a huff. I ignored her nonsense blabber about me staying in the Night Class dorms too. Right, I will be staying with Zero and those bloodsuckers in the opposite dorm. The reason on why I should?

Well here's a flashback,

I was waiting patiently for the bell to ring, a sign that I woud be free to think and ask Zero again if he really would accept the offer. Everytime I ask him about it he would just glare at me and walk away without even telling me a simple yes or no answer. 3 days left and a vampire hunter will soon be coming in this school. And also I don't want whoever-he/she-is to hurt my friend, my bestfriend.

"Hey, Izumi..." I snapped out of my daze as my sister poke my forehead. I glared at her and let out a heavy sigh before jumping up a tree.

"Hey where are you going?" Yuki called from behind me. I gave her one last glance and said,

"To the HeadMaster's office.."

And with that I was gone before she could even ask me why.

I've made my decision... Im going to be Zero's bodyguard. I'll accompany and stay with him in the Night Class Dorms.. I'll never let Kaname and his pawns hurt him, well except for Ichijo that is. He's too good-looking and gentleman to even hurt a fly.

End of Flashback,

And so thats it. I never thought I'd come up with that idea though. It's crazy and only those who wants to die early does that. But don't judge me, I only did that due to some negative circumstances. I know im a little crazy but not so much I'd rather die. I love my life, but I hate those who completes them.

"Im not going to let you go there with.. them.. Its too dangerous for you.." Yuki looked at me, concern filled her eyes. I stood up and hugged her which she hesitantly accept and hugged back.

"Dont worry sister.. I'll be fine. They won't hurt me. I got Ichijo with me, remember?" I gave her an assuring smile. She looked so sad but I know she's thinking about whether she approves of it or not. Silence flooded through the both of us but I refused to break it for I was waiting for her answer. When I got none, I hugged her one more time and left her settle on a decision.


"You! Your such an idiot you know that! Do you seriously think I'll just let you stay in that place with me?!" Zero scolded me for the fifth time seeing that everytime he mention that I got to think a fugitive and leave him alone talking to himself.

I slowly tiptoed towards the nearest door when I felt a pulsing hand on my shoulders. I turned on his direction and smiled sheepishly.

"Well Zero... the HeadMaster already approved of my decision and even that pureblood so you don't have to worry. They won't hurt me in there.". I told him looking so innocent. He didn't even bother to comment on my beautifully said speech as he stomped towards the office. I followed after him and peeked behind the door.

There he was scaring the HeadMaster out of his wits with a brown-haired vampire watching them. It was that damn pureblood. I walked inside and showed myself. Kaname looked at me longingly. A few shudders trembled through my body as I felt his gaze.

"Zero... it was already decided. I think it's better if you should just accept it and go pack.." I said. He was fuming with anger and I know it.

"But why?" he asked.

My eyes widened for a second but quickly composed myself. I looked down and answered.

"Cause you're Zero. My childhood and best friend."

He was staring at me, nope he was searching for any hesitation. But I already threw that expression away. Im not going against my word for they might save you Zero. Just believe in me.

"Alright.." He sighed. I was about to cheer in victory when he cut me off.

"In one condition... you are not leaving my side." I nodded my head vigorously. Its a fair trade.

I noticed that Kaname didnt even speak through the whole conversation. He was just carefully watching from a side, as if he was expecting something. It's a bit creepy though.

When it was all finished. Thats where Kaname started to speak.

"I see.. then its all settled. I'll wait for both of you outside the dorms gates. Go prepare.."

I nodded my head and dragged Zero outside of the office. When I realized that it's making him uncomfortable I let go of him.

"What's wrong bro?". I asked. He was looking at me. Nope he's gaze was fixed right behind my back. His face was bleak and cold. I started to feel so strange. Like someone I know is watching me from the back. I slowly turned behind me and saw a brown headed woman, glaring suspiciously in our direction with 2 guns pointed directly at Zero.

"Get away from her, vampire.."


This is dedicated to my Onee-chan! BloodDollRaven thank so much.. this is for you. :3 And sorry if it was too late than I promised you.. hehe :3

And also thanks to all those who reads this story. I was getting enough feedbacks and well that makes me happy.

Thanks so much guyz..



And Follow!,

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