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A/N:First of all I have to apologize for deleting 'I hate that I love you'. And have this story as a replacement.. Again I'm very sorry..


Disclaimer:Hetalia belongs to Hima Papa a.k.a Hidekaz Himaruya

Kiku looked up at Alfred in disbelief."R-really? I mean.. Your parents wouldn't mind that?"He asked, with a tiny smile on his face."Of course dude.Since I bought an extra ticket and I decided to bring you! Plus, my parents are away for 3 months."Alfred grinned."I have the butlers and maids to take care of me!"Kiku nodded and quickly agrees."Alright, Alfred. I'll spend the 2 months vacation time with you in America"Alfred smiled widely and hugged him."Awesome dude! Pack your stuff and I'll see you tomorrow at my apartment!"Alfred said and ran away happily. Kiku shook his head at Alfred's childish behavior and chuckled as he headed back home himself.


"Please Nii-san? I promise I'll behave! Plus Alfred is such a nice friend"Kiku pouted and gave puppy eyes as Yao glared at him."No means no Kiku. I don't want you to get hurt, aru!"Yao said as he crossed his arms."Please? I beg you, can you let me go to Alfred-san's place for just 2 months"Kiku said with a frown. "Just let him.."a voice sounded. Kiku and Yao turned to the owner of his voice."Ivan, no. I don't want my little Kiku to be hurt, aru."Yao looked up at his boyfriend."He's a grown man now. He can take care of himself. Plus he learned how to fight, da?"Ivan smiled and ruffled Kiku's hair. "what Ivan-san says is true! Please? I promise I will always contact you!"Kiku pleaded.Yao looked up at Ivan and sighs."Kiku.."The Japanese shot his head up."Go pack your stuff, I'll help, aru"Kiku smiled happily and went to his room and packed his stuff.Yao chuckled and walked to Kiku's room to help him pack.


Kiku finished packing his stuff with the help of Yao."Thank you for helping me pack, Yao-nii.."Kiku said with a smile on his face."Of course, Kiku. Now be a good boy when you're in America. Don't cause any trouble, aru."Yao said. Kiku nodded."Hai! I promise Yao-nii I'll behave!"He smiled."Happy I see"Ivan sounded.Kiku chuckled."Hmm.. I think so. I always wanted to go to Alfred's place."
"Of course."Ivan smiled.

After both Ivan and Yao walked out of his room he texted his best friend.

"Alfred-san. What time is our flight?"

Alfred received the message and replied back

"At 10 am. Don't be late. ;)"

Kiku chuckled and responded.

"Of course Alfred-san. I'll go to sleep now. Good night"

"Good night Kiku. Sweet dreams!"


Kiku woke up and glanced at the clock. It's 8:55 am. He got up and showered.He ate breakfast after."Let's go, Kiku"Ivan said and went into the car. Kiku grabbed his backpack and luggage.He went to Yao and hugged him. "Sayonara, Nii-san. I'll see you after 2 months."Yao smiled and hugged him back before letting go."Now go. You have a flight, take care, aru"Yao smiled as Kiku ran out to the car. Ivan drove him off to the airport.

They arrived at 9:40 am. Their house was a bit far. Kiku walked out of the car."Ivan-san. I'll see you later on."He smiled. Ivan gave him his luggage and hugged him and lets go. "Take care, Kiku."He said. Kiku nodded as Ivan returned to the car and drove away.


Luckily, he saw Alfred's car not so far away from him."Alfred!"He yelled as the American turned to him."Yo keeks!"He smiled and took his stuff from the taxi. A large bag, a luggage and his backpack."Let's go!"Alfred said and walked in with Kiku.



Kiku and Alfred sat comfortably beside each other inside the plane."Oh my gosh, I can't wait to get back home!!"Alfred smiled."I see.."Kiku chuckled as the plane took off. Kiku took his mp3 player and earphone as he listens to some Hatsune Miku songs.He looked out the window and smiled. It's going to be a new adventure in America!

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