Chapter 3

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Exclaimer: I do not own the book, that right is reserved by J.C Diem. I only own Bree.

I woke up to the sound of constant beeping coming from the alarm clock. Turning it of I looked at the clock to read 8am, wow I usually don't sleep in this late.

Getting up I made the bed, then grabbed out a pair of black jeans and white singlet before I made my way into the bathroom to shower and change. Once I had finished I put my hair into a side fishtail and walked out of the bathroom. Strapping on my holster, I put my colt in, grabbed my red jacket and tightened my laces on my sneakers so my footsteps would be silent on the carpet. Leaving as soon as my sniper riffle bag was in hand

As I was making my way to the stairs, I head a deep voice yelling. It sounds like it is coming from the kitchen, that means the other agents are here. "No, I'm not saying that, all I'm saying is that we don't need some hotshot Army sniper following us. We're fully capable of taking the psychics our ourselves" looking down the balcony, I saw a man standing at the end of the table, his hands on his hips.

"Boy, don't I feel welcomed," I whispered under my breath as I made my way down the stairs. Now I'm kind of nervous to meet them, especially since I know his opinion of me.

"Well to bad Garrett, It's a done deal." Mark said in a voice that held no argument. "Here comes the 'hotshot Army sniper' now." He said as I came into view. Weren't they going to be shocked once they realised that I was only 17.

Looking towards Mark, I found him flanked by two agents. A guy was on his left and a girl sat on his right. It was then when I got closer that I realised they were older than me by a few years.

Turning to the guy across from her, he has mocha coloured skin, short cropped brown hair and striking green eyes. He was probably over 6 feet tall and his body build was lean and not to muscular.

The girl had short, spiky light blond hair and crystal blue eyes. She had a solid structure and was pretty. She was around a couple inches shorter than me. Her full lips were curved upwards in amusement.

The last member finally decided to face me and I stopped in my tracks. Looking him up and down to find him in the same attire as the other two agents, camouflage cargo pants and a white t-shirt, that hugged his bulging muscular arms, chest and thighs. His shirt stuck to him like a second skin and I could make out the out-line of his abs beneath the shirt. Well he clearly works out. Finally, my gaze rose to his face and I wasn't surprised to see that he was drop dead gorgeous. What did they do? Pull him out of a modelling magazine cause damn. He had a squared jaw, sculpted cheekbones and his hair was dark brown cut short on the sides but slightly longer on the tops in a short Mohawk. His eyes where a deep brown and I could off have stared at them all day If not for the anger and hatred in them as he glared at me.

He ten inspected me from head to toe and I knew I that I had cut a far less impressive figure than he did. Shaking his head, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, so he threw his arms up in the air and turned back to his boss, "You have got to be kidding me, look at her she's just a kid." He said scornfully.

The blondie snickered only to be stopped when Mark sent her a sharp glare. "Brianne is seventeen, actually, she just finished school. She's hardly a child Garret." He said.

The gorgeous guy turned around and stormed towards me, with a look of anger on his face reaching out for my arm and he said "have you ever been face to face with someone who wants you dead? Screaming won't save you."

I don't know what happened but next thing I know is I have pulled my gun on him and it's aimed at his forehead. "I would blow their brains all over the floor." I managed to get out in a clear collective voice, my hands and body weren't even shaking but boy was I nervous.

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