Feathers To Count ~ I

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Promises are promises

No matter what you say

They're yours to keep forever

Even if you want to wish them away...


The moon shone its cruel eye on that rainy night. Roads less traveled were far too slick for any vehicle. A vagrant family was sleeping underneath the bridge. They tried to ignore the biting chill that crept through their gaunt frames. Tremors racked the smallest child's body as he tried to squirm further into the huddle. They had always lived this way as long as Little One could remember. They kept each other awake through sharp pinches and biting words for sleep would only bring death. The family was of no blood relation...circumstance made them family. Homeless children had to stick together. Little One glanced up at Leader. He knew that soon it would be his turn to go get food. After a nod from Leader, Little One raced away from the bridge to go beg. They always had the best luck foraging with him because the ladies always fell for his precious blue eyes. He came to the corner of a cul-de-sac and saw a lit window. He could clearly see inside a mother reading a book to her child and the father nearby reading a newspaper. Little One stopped to stare. He had once had a family, but they left him alone and never came back. He wiped a grimy tear from his face and moved on. Suddenly from a nearby house a huge dog burst from the shadows snarling and snapping. Terrified, Little One shrieked and ran into the street. He heard the squeal of tires and breaking glass. The corners of his vision blacked out and the screaming of a child and his slowing heartbeat were the last sounds he heard.

As he woke up he heard an odd sound. It was a song like none other he had ever heard. All around him was white and brilliant. A thin mist surrounded him on all sides, but when he sat up he saw a scene through the mist. It was almost like watching a moving picture at the theater. He saw a little boy lying on the pavement with a man a few feet away. The car's windshield had been broken and a baby was in the backseat of the vehicle screaming violently. Both man and boy were lying in their own blood...neither was moving. Just then Little One heard a voice as an officer came into the picture. The officer kneeled over and laid a blanket over the man. Just then Little one realized the boy was familiar...it was all coming back to him now. The boy was him! He couldn't tear his eyes away as a blanket was placed over his body.

"We've found some out who the man is," an officer said, "Jeremiah James."

"I'll look through my records to find out who the family is so I can contact them about the girl," The other copper said, " The boy looks like he lives on the streets, we'll have to ask the boss what to do with this 'un."

The edge of the picture started to blur and the sound stopped for a moment. All Little One could do was gasp for breath. Just then a voice filled his mind and a glowing light appeared. Nothing could prepare the homeless, nameless, and lifeless boy for what he was about to hear...

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