Chapter 16: A Queen's Wish

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The week had gone by quick, there was three weeks until Wrestlemania and Cat was hyper, there was a match for the belt and it was an all women available match, right now it was just apparent that it would be Nattie, Becky, Mickie, Carmella, and Alexa but she had a plan. After her match with Carmella and Ellsworth ended, there would be a match between Becky and Nattie and all hell would break lose. She would run down and spear Alexa, that would be her announcement into the match. She was ready for her match and Carmella and James had just walked out Carmella went to talk but Catherine and Dolph walked out in matching outfits and to Dolph's music. "Noone came to listen to you talk Mella, your accent is annoying as hell. They came to see me knock your teeth in." The crowd cheered and the bell rang. Carmella made James start first and he looked terrified. Dolph chuckled and hit James with an elbow and then tagged in Catherine. She smiled and Carmella refused to get in, so Catherine forcefully made the tag and pulled Carmella in over the ropes. She chuckled and shook her head as Carmella tagged James in. James crawled in and Catherine glanced back at Dolph before she turned back and hit James with a Sweet Chin Music. Dolph climbed in and Carmella followed before Cat hit her with a Sweet Chin Music as well. She chuckled at the pair laid out together and Miz and Maryse entered behind them and went to attack only to get hit. The pair stumbled back and got picked up by John and Nikki and hit with AAs, leaving Dolph, Cat, Nikki, and John in the ring. Carmella and James rolled out and Catherine raised her hands in surrender, "This is your battle, not ours. Truce?", Dolph and Catherine held out their hands and the four shook hands, Dolph and Catherine leaving the ring.

Catherine waited backstage with a smirk, "Go raise hell.", she chuckled and ran down to the ring as Alexa celebrated being the last woman standing. Alexa turned and got slammed with a spear and Catherine laughed and looked at the fallen title, she picked it up and kissed the belt and raised it above her head before she threw it down and hit Nattie in the stomach with it, she slid out of the ring and walked up the ramp backwards with a smirk. She just let her presence be known in the race for the title. She ran and got in a car with a black leather jacket and tossed her hair up in a ponytail, she was rushed to the place with the run down shed and it was already decorated, "Holy shit.", Randy chuckled and she stood to the side, her foot up against the wall and her head tilted back, it was time.

Randy spoke to Bray on the big screen, "But it never was for me.", footsteps filled the audio and Catherine smirked, "Hasn't your mother ever told you not to trust a snake?", she laughed, "Wait you don't listen to mother, you listen to Sister Abigail. Who lays at rest beneath our feet." She smiled and skipped around before she knelt in front of the hole filled with dirt and worms, "She has been buried her, since she took her last breath.", she twisted her body and her right leg was extended and Randy watched her work, "She fills your head and she gives you strength. She is the source of your power.", she pulled out some salt packets from her pocket and poured the salt into her left hand before shifting it between hands, "What happens, Bray, when your source of power is gone?", she dumped the salt in the hole and smirked as Randy handed her a gasoline canister, "Bray, oh little Bray, what happens when Abby goes up in flames?", she poured gasoline in the hole and stood walking backwards toward the door and Randy tossed gas all around the shed. The pair walked out and left a trail of gasoline, "Oh Bray, what happens when Abby goes up in flames?", Randy handed her a match and she smirked as she lit it using the tree beside her, "Oh Abby, any last words? Oh wait, you're already gone.", she dropped the match and the shed went up in flames moments later, Randy posed and Catherine smirked and gave a mocking bow, "Good bye Abby.", she looked into the camera and smirked, "Oh Bray, oh Bray, is all power gone with Abby now?", she laughed and the feed went black, "Clear, good job you two.", she smirked and stood up, "I have to get my bag from the arena and then find Dolph.", Randy nodded and the pair left but a black SUV pulled up and Mike smiled with Dolph, "Somebody called a taxi service?", she smiled and Maryse opened the back passenger door, Catherine climbed in and smiled, "You even grabbed my bag. Thank you guys.", they al chuckled, and Mike looked at her, "That was a damn good segment Cat, you were super creepy. What the hell was the thing with talking to Bray and say Abby." She shrugged, "It was already a creepy place with a screwed situation, so I went with a creepier approach.", they nodded and the drive for the next town began.

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