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Coming at you live and in color all the way from the Himalayas with a wild-and lengthy-ass update. Enjoy.


Today is the day that I have been dreading since the day that I gave birth to Dinah Jane; her 18th birthday. I've been up since about 8AM crying while I helped Nicki prepare breakfast. It's just so hard for me to believe that my child is an adult now and a part of me wishes that I could turn her back into the little girl who talked my ear off and never wanted to leave my side.

"Bey, I would appreciate it if you didn't get your damn tears in my pancake batter." Nicki mumbled as she walked over and took the bowl of pancake batter from my hands.

Sighing I wiped my tears away before turning to face my wife. "I'm sorry Nic I'm just emotional."

With a smirk, she placed the bowl onto the counter before she reached up to peck my lips. "I know baby, it's okay. Damn she's 18 already....time to put her ass out."


Chuckling she took the bowl and walked over towards the stove. "I'm kidding Bey, it is hard to believe though, then Blue is already 14...they grew up so fast."

"Yeah, tell me about it. Babe is all of this food necessary?" I asked nodding towards the table that was already filled with fruits, bacon, sausage, eggs, and grits.

"Yes, very. She's got a day filled with surprises waiting for her, I want her to start the day off right. Could you get the orange juice for me?"

Nodding I went to grab the orange juice from the fridge. When I closed the fridge my eyes landed on a photo of Dinah on her first day of kindergarten. She had the biggest smile on her face and had a chocolate milk mustache. Just seeing that photo of her made me cry again but this time I was sobbing so hard that I dropped the orange juice.

Instantly I felt Nicki wrap her arms around me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"D-Dinah...s-she's not a...a baby anymore...I'm such a t-terrible mother she hates me and I-"

"Beyoncé, its okay...come on let's have a seat." She said calmly as she guided me into the living room.

Through my blurry vision I could see her sit down on the sofa before she pulled me to sit with her as well, where I instantly cuddled into her and rested my head on her shoulder.

While we sat there I continued to cry while Nicki ran her fingers through my hair. Honestly the last time I've cried like this was when I found out that I was pregnant with Dinah. The moment I found out I just lost it, so many negative thoughts ran through my mind. The main one being that I'd be a terrible mother and sadly that thought still seems to stick with me.

"You done crying like you just got the worse ass whooping of your life or do you need more time?" Nicki asked.

Before I could even think of sobbing again, I laughed instead. "Fuck you Onika."

She chuckled and kissed my forehead before standing. "I'll be back."

I nodded and wiped my tears away, watching as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Moments later she came back and sat down next to me, pulling me into her arms. "Remember when we first got married and we'd stay up late and you'd tell me stories about Dinah?"

I nodded. "Yeah...why?"

"Well I wanna hear one...you're truly happy when you talk about her Bey and I love that. Tell me one that I've never heard before." She said sincerely.

Be Alright. [BeyNika] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now