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I had the weirdest and scariest dream ever I thought to myself as I open my eyes "My head hurt like hell" I whisper with a husky voice.

I looked around but all I could see was darkness, pitch black darkness.

I don't recognize this place or know where I am or how I got here.

Before I could organise my thoughts I feel a sharp pain in head, it's hurts so bad and it doesn't end there.

The pain begins to increase until it's frighteningly unbearable,I try to lift up my hands to my head to soothe the pain but then I realize I am trapped, trapped in a very small box, a casket, a hole, I don't know but I need to get out and fast because I am beginning to loose my breath.

It's so small inside that I can't even move my hands except my legs and the whole place stinks of not so fresh blood.

I start to scream for help, to kick at the edges of this thing.

I kick at the top not caring if my leg gets hurt, I didn't care that my leg started to bleed or what it was I was kicking I just needed to get out.

Bang bang bang I hit harder until I finally broke through.

At the top of the foot of my leg there was now a hole and it hit me that I have been hitting a wood and it wasn't a strong one at that so I hit it some more making the hole grow bigger.

I felt like the wood had past through ages.

I hit some more and then I was free, free at last from whatever or whoever kept me captive.

I crawled out through the broken space.

It was dark so dark that I could barely see my own body.

Gradually my eyes adjusted to the darkness and the first thing I noticed was my body, if I could call it that.

My skin was glued to my skeleton, I was as skinny as my skeleton, it was like I hadn't eaten in ages.

How I could still be alive in this circumstances baffled me.

"what is happening, where am I? Hello" I screamed but my scream sounded more like a whisper, my voice couldn't go as far as I wanted it to.

I was disorientated and scared .

When I finally calmed my mind I noticed I had just broken free from a casket and the casket was in the middle of a circle, a circle drawn with dried up blood, the circle looked like the ones a witch or wizard will use to cast a forbidden spell.

I began to trace where the blood came from and it came from the casket.

I looked at myself again and there were tiny holes all over my body, the holes looked like they were made by a syringes or needles.

When I looked at the casket similar holes were on it, I decided not to think of that now.

I needed to get out of here, this body can't last long like this so I got up from the ground I just crawled to.

I needed to remember something anything because right now I felt like a blank sheet and such feeling wasn't good at all.

As I tried harder to remember my head and whole body started to hurt and I couldn't move a step,i needed to survive and remember who I was and why I was here.

The pain was so much that I felt I was going to die, if I was going to die then I should have remained sleeping in that damn wooden rotten casket.

The more I had the thought of survival the worst the pain got.

It felt like more than a million needles were stabbing my body including my head.

The needles will stab into me and then pull out and stab again, such pain was tortuous.

My body wouldn't last long like this, I just knew it and that's when my bones structure started to shift as a person's name came to mind.

"Andre" I said and it all started coming back to me.

The nightmare that wouldn't stay as a nightmare.

To be Continued...


Hi guys, I am super excited because this is my first story ever so I hope you all enjoy this story as you read, I am still a learner in this writing business so don't blame me too much for not writing well.

Also this story haven't been EDITED so take Note, When I finally Edit I plan to change all my characters names to something that sounds more mystical.

My description skills sucks and there might be grammatical errors (English is not my mother's language) but I believe you will still enjoy the story , so don't hate and show some love.

Also I don't mind constructive criticism and please let me know if there are plot holes.

I won't tolerate hateful comments, it will be deleted but your advice is highly welcomed as long as it doesn't sound like an insult.

Enjoy the story as you read... #kisses#

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