A Thank You to You

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This is NOT an update, nor is it really anything pertaining to the plot of the story. It is simply a thank you to all of you. If you've read Property of a Gordon or His Experiment, you may be familiar with this. You're free to skip this, but skim the bottom and see if you're username is there because it may be!

So for this thank you, I want to make it stand out from the others, as I don't want each one to just sound like I copy and pasted them, or that I don't put my heart into these.

I'm a very introverted, insecure person but I've been attempting to work on that. I can't begin to list all the things that I don't enjoy or like about myself, but the one thing that I'm confident about is my writing. This is 100% because of y'all.

I've enjoyed writing since I was a little girl, but it wasn't until I joined this site that I felt I was actually good at something. I begin to branch out and finished not just one, but four stories. I've made countless friends that I wouldn't trade for anything and I feel because of the confidence y'all gave me, I feel a little more confident in my day-to-day life.

I've been told that my stories have affected some of y'all in one way or another, but I just want y'all to know you aren't the only ones being affected. You have all affected me more than you can ever know and for that, I cannot thank you enough.

When I wrote this story, I really thought there would be backlash for Rowan's attitude. I agree with Rowan on the whole human-animal thing, but I don't tell people that, ever. So I decided to share my thoughts through her. I am more than thrilled, and surprised, to say that there has not been a single person who's been offended by Rowan's opinions. There have been several people agreeing wholeheartedly with her, and I'm amazed.

Of course, I have to thank you guys for putting up with my awful updating schedule. A lot has been going on with me, and I lost motivation to write. I thought it was best not to force a chapter, knowing I would be disappointed by the results later and end up disliking the overall story. But, hopefully, I can do better as I have a small outline ;)

Thank you for allowing my to voice my opinions and Rowan's. Thank you for allowing me to introduce you to a fox who's devoted to his person, to a guard whose loyalty is endless, to a messenger who can take care of herself, and to a King who is both man and wolf.

This story has, by far, been my favorite to write. I love the bickering between Sage and Rowan, the tension between her and the King, and of course her little one. It's a joy to write this story, and even more of a joy to read your comments, or see your usernames pop up on my phone when you vote for a chapter.

It seems a lot of you are between ships, unsure of who to pick which just shows I'm improving, luckily. Property of a Gordon, little of you chose Nolan (I was team Nolan DESPITE HIS FLAWS), and Patience of a Gordon, it was a little more divided although I believe more were for Prince Gordon. Originally, in His Experiment, I wanted there to be a love triangle between Varian Arcelia, and Him, but I realized that He was too cruel for that to happen.

This is all over the place, so if you've made it this far thank you for bearing with me omg. Thank you for clicking on this story, for adding it to any reading list of yours, for reading even just the first sentence, for reading all of it, for voting for this story, and for your beautiful comments. Thank you for not giving up on this story, or me, Thank you for allowing me to never doubt my writing, and for being there for me more than you can imagine. Simply, I want to thank each of you for being yourselves and having faith in me.

I'm going to apologize in advance because I already know I'm going to forget names. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post a comment and tell me if I've forgotten about you. These are in no particular order:

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