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Francesca's P.O.V

Dad had warned us that we should be bringing his gun collection and hiding in a very safe place. Back then, I had no idea why, but when the zombies came, that's when I knew.

I remembered when my thirteen year-old sister, Angelica, who want's to be called Angelique, was crying.

"Cheska, we're never gonna make it!" She told me. I tapped her back to calm her down.

"Angelique, we will. Remember what dad said?" I asked her, trying to make her more confident.

"Dont' trust anyone, just you and me." She stuttered.

I smiled at her. "Exactly."

Suddenly we heard our parent screaming. We ran downstairs and saw three zombies attacking them.

I got my knife and stabbed three of the zombies. But I was too late. My parents were gone. They were lost. Those zombies killed my parents. From that day on, I got stronger, fiercer, and more confident.

I showed no mercy, except to my sister, who is a year younger than me.

"Hey, Cheska. Still thinking about that incident five years ago?" Angelique asked as she tossed me a bottle of water. I nod in response.

"Get over it. That was five years ago." She said, emphasizing the last phrase. I knew it happened when I was fourteen and she was thirteen. I tried forgetting it, but I couldn't. It was just..painful. Ugh.

"I can't, okay? It was just so harsh. Ugh. I'm sorry!" I apologized. She shook her head in disappointment.

"Seriously, Cheska? You're the fierce chick I know. You're a girl who can kill a thousand zombies within a second. You wouldn't think about that shitty past of ours! You're 19, dude." She tried to comfort me. What are sisters for?

"You're right. I am that mean, fierce, zombie-killing chick." I said, finally smiling, well, smirking.

"Good. Now let's get our guns because I can hear some of those fuckin' zombies." She said, grabbing her gun.

"Got it," I replied, grabbing my gun.

We went outside, and just like what Angelique suspected, there were zombies.

She turned to me and had a smirk. "Ready, sis ?" She mischievously asked.

"Way ahead of ya'!" I screamed running to the zombies and shooting them.

"Cheat!" She screamed, then ran after me.

We both shot the zombies until they were all gone. 

We ran to each other and high-fived. 

"That was so hella awesome!" She said while jumping up and down.

"Tell me about it." I reply. 

"Never gets old." She said while shaking her head. 

This, my friend, is Angelique and I's daily routine:  Killing zombies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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