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It was only three weeks. 

Three weeks in which she had been without them. But knowing them, they made it seem as if years passed by without her. Literally, another group message from them and she started to consider if she should have just stayed in Cheongju for the rest of summer break with her and Jaeseok's parents.

This is what I get, she thought, while staring outside the window at the familiar lights.

This is what I get for thinking it was a good idea to move in with my brother and our four friends.

But it had been years living with them already, and this was expected.

There was only five minutes left till reaching the station, and getting to see them. Yet she nearly jumped out of her seat when her phone vibrated with more messages from her household.

Jaeseok: we are all here waiting for you at the station

Joochan: we have been here for forty minutes... hurry up

Joochan: wait excuse my manners...PLEASE hurry up

Jibeom: she's probably not even happy to see you Jaeseok

Sungyoon: that's right because she is going to be happy to see me!

Bomin: and me right?

Sungyoon: I'm the oldest out of us, therefore she misses me the most

Bomin: But I'm the youngest...

Joochan: Don't flatter yourself...but what does age have to do with any of this?

Jaeseok: I'm her older brother so, if first.

Jibeom: Do you all realize she probably didn't miss any of us? She probably only missed Youngtaek and Seungmin!!!

Sungyoon: Just because they were all born in 98. Wow.

Joochan: You're just bitter cause you're an old man!

Her phone continued buzzing till the point where she became annoyed, and shoved it back into her pocket. Luckily the train finally came to an end, and there outside her window were the five idiots all on their phones arguing by texting even though they were all next to each other in person. 

It wasn't until she knocked on the glass that all of their eyes shot up in realization and excitement from seeing her. There was Jaeseok and Sungyoon calm and collected waving in happiness, Bomin's grin, and Jibeom and Joochan holding up a "WELCOME HOME" sign which was detailed with Joochan's doodles that caused her to laugh. At least it didn't have his creation of his "penda" drawing he was so proud at for months, on it.

She stepped out from the train with her bags and violin case over her shoulders, taking a deep breath of the warm outside air, only to be soon suffocated, and tackled with warm welcomes from the five of them. But she didn't mind it one bit, since it was them.

"I'm back," she sighed with an overlapping smile.

"Thank God, I could not wait any longer. Can we go eat now?" Joochan groaned while hugging onto her arm, resting his head on her shoulder, clingy as ever.

She scoffed, "Wow. Nice to see you too JooJoo."

His head immediately shot up, and he teased "You literally came back, and automatically start calling me that? You should have just stayed in Cheongju!"

"You should have went with her, and then she should have left you," Jibeom joined in on the conversation before it was too late.

To Jibeom's remark, Joochan pulled her away from him. "You know what!" Joochan exclaimed to her. "I'm so glad you're back because I was getting real sick of Kim Jibeom!"

"You guys fight too much. She's probably tired," expressed Sungyoon, who looked to Bomin and Jaeseok for help. 

"Tired from seeing you!" Joochan teased once again.

Bomin was too busy smiling to himself from watching Joochan and Jibeom bicker like always. If Bomin was good at something, it was at smiling. He basically mastered smiling. 

Jaeseok had taken notice of Bomin being amused, the two 99 liners fighting, Sungyoon growing anxious as usual with the young ones, and his younger sister who stood there bags and everything, yet nevertheless still seemed happier with all of them around. After all, he felt as if her happiness was his priority especially after everything. 

She'll probably have stuff to tell him later about her visit to their parents' house, he thought. But for now, it could wait.

After deciding this, Jaeseok finally came to the rescue. "Alright," he said, taking her bags, and slinging them on his own shoulders. "Now that she's here, let's go drop her stuff off at home, and then we'll go eat Youngtaek's restaurant with the rest of those fools."

Before she could blink, they were all moving away from the train, and even from a distance you could still hear Joochan groaning "Let's go! I'm starving!"

The apartment was still the same way she left it. Dishes in the sink and on the table, Jibeom, Joochan, and Bomin's homework scattered on the floor, a guitar here, a keyboard there, and of course, way too many pairs of shoes at the door. Regardless, she was home. Three weeks secretly felt like a long time to her too.

To Joochan's request, she unpacked fast so that they could go eat as soon as possible. All of them were practically outside of their apartment's door before she could even put her shoes back on. Except for Bomin, who always stayed behind and waited for her.

As she watched Bomin lock their apartment door, she couldn't help but to notice in the corner of her eye the amount of boxes outside the apartment two doors down from them.

The apartment next to them belonged to their other friends Daeyeol, Jaehyun, and Donghyun...but the apartment after theirs was never occupied until now.

"Bomin?" she tapped on his shoulder.

He glanced at her "Yes?"

"Did we gain another neighbor?"

He grinned naturally, "Actually, yes we did. I forgot to tell you. He moved in not too long ago. Well when you left, he came."

"And the guys welcomed him? I mean he'll probably move away after hearing all the noises from our apartment and the boys' aparment."

She caused him to laugh, "Yeah, Jaehyun apparently was friends with him for a while before he moved here. He seems to be about a year older than you."

"That's good at least. I was afraid maybe Daeyeol would scare him off," she admitted a small laugh as well.

"No, he's nice and louder than all of us... I think."

She broke her gaze with the boxes, "Well whomever he is, I'm sure he'll fit right in. Now let's go eat."

"You're right," Bomin grinned again. "We should probably hurry since Youngtaek will probably be screaming your name when he sees your face."

The corners of her mouth resulted in a grin too, "Honestly I can see it now. He'll probably whine and say 'Saeha, Saeha, I've missed you!'"

And when they got to the restaurant, that's exactly what Youngtaek did.

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