My demons

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Once again another sleepless night developes into a long meeting with solitude and the memories of my past that hauntingly keep me from making any further adjustments in my decision making today. In the silence and darkness an eerie shout pierces the night but alas it is not something of this realm it is something from the farthest reaches of my mind from a place so destitute that not even the brightest light that god commands may bring those mordid memories to light only i can see and bare these horrible and sickened thoughts only i can withstand the morbid and bountiful weight of what once was a flourishing and light memory but i fear not for the restlessness that comes i fear more for the other things that are in my head for they are kept under lock and key but just sometimes they escape and if tonight that happens im afraid that agianst them i will lose for within my soul the heavy weight of my dark past over wheighs any other memory of smiles and laughter so with this i leave for they are knocking if i were to be taken from this world i shall only say this, do not cage your demons but always tame them for when the moment comes they will always win

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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