Chapter 3: Reality check

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It had been a miserable time for me, Spectrum constantly asking questions and blabbering about her home. The once quiet, calm atmosphere of this wide open field was now lost to me and I couldn't help, but constantly stop myself from whacking her  on the head with my umbrella, but come to think of it I would then need to deal with her crying and complaining. So for the time, the constant yapping was something I hated, but dealt with it. To my surprise though, her talking made the time seemingly pass by in an instant and suddenly we weren't walking anymore and the sun had long since set. We sat on either side of the campfire and allowed the warmth to surge through my body. This spring was colder than most and clearly still held the sheer cold of the winter. Because of that,I'd been practically shivering my hat off the minute the sun was low enough to where the sun no longer hit me. And as long and covering my cloak was, the material was thin and I still found myself cold.

Spectrum took her eyes off the fire and looked at me. 

Oh no. She's gonna talk isn't she?

"So where are you from?" She chimed.

Called it.

And I simply sighed, knowing I couldn't avoid the question or else she might keep asking and asking.

"I'm from Beetseed." I simply stated. And while she seemed satisfied by my lack of interest in socializing, I did not care. I didn't leave my home just to be stuck with a child, I left because I have a mission to complete.

Yet I could see in her eyes that she was not ready to give up on our conversations. So, as I thought, she continued.

"Cool! I have some relatives who used to live in Beetseed. That being said, I've never actually been there. I heard it's pretty peaceful and community driven." She kindly commented.

'Sometimes a little too community driven.' I thought harshly. For as much as I loved my home, I also loved being alone. I didn't rebuild my house on the outskirts of the town for no reason after all.

"Anyways, I'm from Nightdaze, the part of Nightdaze that isn't a huge city anyways. I actually think that part of Nightdaze and Beetseed might be very much alike." She cheerfully remarked. I rolled my eyes and stared at the fire.

From what I knew, that part of Nightdaze she said she lives in is primarily wizard-based and isn't known for much conflict. In fact, right next to Beetseed and maybe even Nimbus City, that part of Nightdaze is the safest place for a wizard.

The other part of Nightdaze, the city district, was a different story. And as if reading my mind, she began to speak about it.

" I'm actually glad I don't live in the city. I've heard things are pretty bad up there. Plenty of petty thieves, drug dealers..that sorta thing. Though other than that, the place is still pretty peaceful." She stated with a smile and I glared at her with anger.

"Peaceful? Really? Is the MURDER of innocent lives considered PEACEFUL to YOU?!" I growled and she seemed almost confused by what I said.

"Uhh..w-what do you mean?" She muttered, a strange flash of guilt in her eyes that only made me madder. 

"What I mean is that your'e not only being stupid, but your'e being practically HEARTLESS! You DARE stand there and say that the world around you is at PEACE?! Countless lives have been lost to the IGNORANCE and MALICE of mortals and YOU PRETENDING EVERYTHING IS OKAY IS THE EQUIVALENT OF MURDERING THE INNOCENTS THEMSELVES!" I angrily shouted at her, the rage boiling my blood to a point of where I might had strangled her if I didn't have any restraint. Yet I was not done.

"Are you really blind enough to not hear word of the deaths of families, of children, INNOCENT WIZARD CHILDREN KILLED SIMPLY FOR HOW THEY WERE BORN! And the fact you act like it doesn't exist is disgusting. For FUCK'S SAKE, THESE MORTALS KILLED OUR PAST KING! OUR LEADER! Or I'm sorry, IS THAT A SYMBOL OF PEACE FOR YOU?!" I could feel my head starting to hurt as I raised my voice higher and higher. And I knew then that I really had nothing else to say due to the look on her face. 

All life had faded from her face and I could see the tears welling in her eyes. Her spirit was completely crushed and I didn't care. I would never care if this showed anything about her beliefs as a person. For all I cared at this moment, she could be taken away by the king and hung for what I'm seeing. And she didn't even have any sort of response to me. No 'I do care for wizards!' Or 'You're over exaggerating, of course I care for my kind.' Just silence and a guilty expression. 

I simply scoffed and laid down, turning over and getting comfortable in the small sleeping  bag I had set for myself. I made sure to face away from her as I honestly didn't even want to look at her, let alone talk to her anymore.

It took awhile for the silence in the air to break before she too started to move and get comfortable in her makeshift sleeping bag. I simply took a deep breath and let it out as I opened my eyes and stared at the moon which was facing me. It was a full moon and shone brightly like the sun. It's glow only made me more emotional as it reminded me of the past. 

Yet I was not filled with more anger or annoyance, but sadness and it left an empty feeling in me. For the moon always seemed to be at its most beautiful when things go to hell.

And I'll never forget how the moon's glow turned ghostly and faint that night as my eyes slowly shut.. 

((I REALLY need to be more strict on updating this ^^', hopefully with summer comes more time and more chapters!!))

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