Chapter seven

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Chapter - 7

Tobias (Four) POV

As soon as I hear his voice I tense up. It's Marcus. I don't call him dad because he doesn't deserve that name.

I sigh as everyone leaves. I was really liking kidding Tris. Shut up Four.

"Well" Marcus says once he is sure everyone has left "you know what this means. Who was that girl you kissing? it doesn't matter, she hates you anyway. You know why?" he asks pulling out his belt "because you are a worthless piece of shit and no one will ever love you"

A feel a long strip of something cut into my hip. The pain is overwhelming. My vision is becoming blurry. Ahhhh! another hit, this time on the back. Another hits me. I screen out in pain. Can the neighbours not here me? I am crying now, I feel something trickle down my back. Blood. My blood.

"This is for you own good!" Marcus yells

This time I don't feel anything. Why?! I look to him and Tris is in between me and Marcus.

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Tris POV

I was walking home when I realised I left my jacket behind. I decided to go back

When I got there I peaked through the window and saw something absolutely terrible! Mayer Marcus Eaton... beating his son. Four was actually crying

I ran in quickly, Four was screaming so loudly, they didn't hear me

"This is for your own good" Marcus says

I feel my feet running suddenly and stop between Marcus and Four. Suddenly the belt comes down on me. The pain is overwhelming but the adrenaline stops me screaming or crying. I just wince.

"Get out if the way you stupid girl!" Marcus cries "this is not about you"

"Go through me" I can't speak very easily and my throat is hoarse. "To get to him"

Marcus screams in frustration. His breath leaded with alcohol. He marches out the door and straight to the car. I watch him drive away then turn to Tobias

"Are you okay?!" I ask worried

"I'm f-fine" he struggles

"No you are not fine" I say sternly

"Why did you do that?" he asks carefully

"I... I don't know" I say. And it's true. I really have no idea.

"Please go" he says "I don't want anyone to see me like this"

"No" I say "I have to get you cleaned up"

I take him to his room. He takes his top off. Wow. Despite his scars and wounds, he is gorgeous!

"Like what you see?" four says smirking

I ignore him and carry on.

"Have you got a medical kit?" I ask

"Under the bed" he groans in pain

"Shh" I say

Under the bed I find the medical kit. (A/N. I am squeamish so I won't go into the details) After about 15 minutes, he is all cleaned up

"Thank you" he whispers

"That's fine" I whisper back "come with me"

"Why? where are we going?" he asks

"I am not letting you stay here" I say "we are going back to mine. I can't let you stay here"

"Tris I-" is all he can say before i cut him off

"No!" I say "come on"

I take him home. My mum is fine with him staying and when she asks why, I just say he is hurt and his dads not home at the moment. Fortunately she just nods and carries on.

When we get to my room, I lay him down on my bed

"I will sleep on the floor" I say

"What's the matter stiff" he says with a smirk on his face "can't control yourself over my body?"

"I... err" he's making this awkward

"Just sleep next to me" he says "no harm done"

"Ok" I sigh "I am too warn out to argue over this"

He smirks. I look at the clock. 2:34 am. Wow!

"We should sleep" I say

He nods and lays down. I join him

"Thank you" he says "really. Tris"

"Yes?" I say quietly

"I like you" he's says. My heart skips a beat "I like you a lot"

"Me too" I say

He takes my face and kisses me lightly at first. Then it turns into a full on make out session. I pull away.

"Are you just doing this for sex?" I ask

"What?! no!" he says "look I really like you. Honestly!"

"Ok then" I say " no more kissing for proof"

"One last kiss" he asks

We kiss for five more minutes and then lay back down and sleep. I feel my heart do a summersault and a fall asleep soundly



Hey!!!! thank you for all your votes and comments!!!! I really appreciate it!!!

As I promised I will give you all a shout out

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Sorry if you commented and your not on here. I wrote this the day after I published Chapter six. Thank you guys for the support and I hope you like this chapter

Remember to comment and vote. Keep reading guys. Btw, I am getting Allegiant tomorrow so no spoilers! xx

DISCLAIMER. - Veronica Roth not me xxxxxxxxxx.

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