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10 year old Taeyang still managed to shiver underneath the three layers of blankets he had on. It was the middle of winter and he was freezing. Sadly he couldn't ask for more blankets, fearing that Jiho's parents would roll their eyes at him.

He tried to ignore what felt like below zero degree weather and watch the movie in front of them.

7 year old Jiho however pouted noticing his best friend was still trembling from the cold. He took off the blanket he was using and dragged it over to the other.

Ignoring Taeyang's protests, Jiho threw the blanket over the other boy. Taeyang blushed at the sweet act but continued to disagree with the younger.

"What about you? You'll be cold..." Taeyang trailed off, frowning to express his worry for his best friend.

Jiho smiled towards Taeyang, causing the older to blush (again) and hide his face in the multiple blankets.

Jiho silently lifted all the blankets and slid over next to Taeyang. With his eyes now glued to the television, Jiho slipped his hand into Taeyang's, hoping the older wouldn't mind.

"Are you feeling warmer?" Jiho asked in a whisper.

Taeyang nodded and mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before laying his head on Jiho's shoulder.

The younger of the two smiled brightly as he continued to watch the movie.

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