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Lucas p.o.v
Walking around with Camilla

Me: remember when we almost broke up

Camilla: still got feelings for that bitch

Me: fuck no

She smirked

Camilla: yeah okay

Me: n nope don't act like that

Camilla: or what

Me: Imma have to give you a lesson

I gave her a dirty look

Camilla: you soo nasty

Me: I know

Then we saw Terrence and ciara

Camilla: look at this bullshit

Terrence: it ain't my fault yo dumb ass shot erica

Ciara: you told me too..thats why Cory

He slapped her

Me: Camilla come on

I grabbed her hand and we ran back

Camilla: did you see that

Me: he really pimp slapped that bitch

Camilla: n-

Me: like damn I actually felt that shit (holding my face)

Camilla: no..they killed Erica

Me: but why though

Camilla: yo dumb ass still thinking about that dumb ass slap

Me: come on na you ain't feel that slap

Camilla: I mean that's how my aunt use to hit us

Me: true
End p.o.v

Camilla p.o.v
At my house now

Benji: this nigga Lucas funny

Lucas: what

Benji: what you posted on the gram

Me: (laughing )

Benji: so what was y'all doing

Me: walking around and shit

Lucas: we saw some crazy shit too

We laughed

Benji: I want to know

Me: we saw Terrence and ciara arguing right

Benji: yeah and

Lucas: he pimped slap that hoe

Benji: damn..did y'all feel it

Lucas: hell yeah

Me: no

Benji: girl quit lying

I rolled my eyes

Me: but that shit was bold

Lucas: I would never hit a girl

Benji: now nigga you lying

Lucas: okay yeah I hit syd

Me: and me

Lucas: it won't happen again

Benji: it betta not

It probably will
End p.o.v

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