Giving up

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"I'm Giving Up On Everything

Because You Messed Me Up

Don't Know How Much You

Screwed It Up" -Avril Lavigne, Forgotten

What do you do when you're drowning? Suddenly you're failing out of school, you're losing sleep, every night is spent arguing with the ones who are suppose to love you the most, and you feel yourself drowning...deeper...and deeper. You escape the shit at home by going to school and you escape the shit at school by going home. It's a lose lose situation. So how does someone get out of it? What do you do when you're at a loss of resorts?

Can't go to school, the lying, the secrets, the backstabbing...

Can't go home...the yelling, the screaming, the tears falling from my eyes,

I just can't win.

People from both places telling you to just give up, "Might as well give up now" they say

"Won't get far anyways" they hiss

"All you'll amount to is nothing" they scream

"Just give up" They repeat

"What's the use?" They scoff

And you're just suppose to plaster this sick and twisted smile as if it's okay for them to break you, destroy any hope you could possibly have left, and go on like that.

And when you give up, finally they reticule you.....

"You're weak" They scream

"Pathetic" They shout

"Nothing more than an idiot." They sneer

And when you hear it enough to the point you can mouth the words in your sleep? How is someone not suppose to suspect they are true? What happens then? When you're left there crying, losing any hope of ever getting out of this nightmare-oh, excuse me I mean home, and wanting to just vanish, just disingrate into nothing. And stay that way. Because all you can think is "Well, maybe it's for the best"

It's what they want right? They want you gone right? Right?

And when the people who care about you try to get you to care, to feel, to do something, how do you act? How do you urge yourself to keep going? To not give up? To not give in?

So please tell me, oh, please tell me what do you do? Giving in sounds as sweet as the forbidden fruit, but what if you can't go back once you've given up completely?

"No, I won't let you win

Not this time my friend

You know that I'm better in the end

No, you won't take my pride

I'll keep my head held high

'Cause I know that I'm better in the end

And all I got to say

Take it or leave it

But you best believe me it's true

There's no mistaking, so please stop the faking, I'm through

You know I'm better than you" -Falling In Reverse, The Westerner

Just tell me...tell me what happens?

"But you really need to listen to me

Because I'm telling you the truth

I mean this, I'm okay!

(Trust Me)

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?

(I'm not okay)

I've told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means

(I'm not okay)

To be a joke and look, another line without a hook

I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!

I'm not okay

I'm not okay

Well, I'm not okay

I'm not o-fucking-kay

I'm not okay

I'm not okay

(Okay)" -My chemical Romance, I'm not okay ( I Promise)

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