December 19th 2015

5 1 0

Bella's pov

I was sitting at my moms room in her chair. I scrolled down my internet explore. That was when I saw him. He was in a picture with his twin brother and I sent the picture to my friend Erin. The first thing she said to me was 'Jovani is mine' I told her it was okay because I liked Julian. I instantly went to their Instagram page and then to Julians. I looked at every picture. I didn't really like him that much I was more of a fan of Hunter Rowland and Michael Clifford. Not to forget nick bean. I just thought wow he is really cute. I'm gonna be totally honest. I got them both mixed up. Later that night they went live and I watched. I watched it from the start to the end up in my room. I'll always remember that moment. I was on my laptop and Julian looked real cute. Little did I know it was only the beginning.

A few days later I was at my dads house with my two sisters. My mom texted me telling me that she was on my way to get me.

After an hour car ride we drove up to a hotel. The hotel where one of the very first Part Of My Story show was held. All I could think was Oh my god. Oh my freaking god. I'm about to meet Hunter Rowland!  The show was good, Hunter sang baby, Mario and Geo wore a onesie. Geo was a panda. Mario was a dragon. Julian had his black shirt on and Jovani well I can't remember what Jovani was wearing. I just remember that at the end they had their 99GS heart shirt on. And I didn't know who was who at first but Julian gave me this feeling that no one else did. I'll always remember this feeling. I did not understand the feeling then, and I don't understand it now. Especially since at the moment I barely liked Julian compared to how much I liked hunter.  I felt safe in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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