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London, England. Winter of 1893.

The cold night breeze claushing against my skin and the sky covered in black, without stars adorning its immensity, made me company while I was waiting for her to arrived. We always met here, we call it our "no strings attached" place. Where we don't have do worry about anything else, free of conditions, restrictions, costs, or any other obstacles. Just us.

I fell a soft pair of hands covering my eyes.

"Juliet." I said smiling.

Her harmonious laugh broke the silence of the dark night and made everything look brighter. "Hi." She said softly.

"Hello almost birthday girl. Did you have any problems leaving your house?"

"Yes, my father almost caught me but I managed to sneak out. Sorry it took me so long." She apologized.

"Don't worry, you're forgiven just because it's your birthday." I said winking at her.

"My birthday? But it's no-"

"It's midnight. 12 o'clock." I cut her off. "Happy birthday Juliet." I smiled and handed her a little box and a piece of paper with 'Ms. Juliet Cavendish' written on it. Her face lit up, she looked even younger than she really was. I was fascinated by how easy she is surprised by the smallest things in life. It was like watching a little girl discovering the world for the first time. Humans, such fragile yet full of life creatures. A beautiful paradox.

"Thank you so much Harry! You shouldn't have." She opened the piece of paper and saw my drawing of her, she blushed and looked at me. Then she opened the little box and grabbed the necklace.

"You're beautiful and fragile yet you can defend yourself, just like a rose. Eventhough, I'll always protect you, just like a wing." I said looking at her while I pointed the two pendants hanging on the silver chain.

Juliet came near and hugged me. I could feel her warm body against mine. I have tried to keep the distance between us but it's becoming harder every day. I could hear Juliet's heart beating faster, I looked down at her and our eyes met. She began to approach, shortening the distance between us.

"No." I whispered inches from her lips.


"I told you we can't be together. Juliet please." I begged. "I don't want to lose you as always."

"As always?" She looked at me confused for a few seconds. "You won't." She said certain afterwards.

She ignored his warnings and ended shortening their distance, with slow and challenging step. As soon as their lips touched, Harry opened for seconds his emerald eyes and tought he have seen a spark of recognition in her brown eyes. Before he could make sure, an angry flare flooded everything.

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