to Aubrey

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Odin's POV

I was pacing back and forth, my palms sweaty. Do I do it or not? my brain was arguing with itself. I starred up at the window with its dark blue curtains, half open revealing a small room. if I stood on my toes I could see her sitting on her bed reading book, appearing to be completely absorbed. I carefully set the parcel down making sure its contents weren't crushed and made she the tag was visible. Sighing I grabbed rock, threw it as hard as I could, and bolted.

Aubrey's POV

I was sitting on my bed reading Lost in Time when I heard the deafening shatter of glass. Jumping up I ran over to the window and yanked back my curtains, where upon I found a whole the size of my hand and several cracks. Carefully I stepped around the mess and cleaned up, cursing under my breath. Suddenly I noticed a small brown package laying at the top of the stairs. running downstairs I grabbed the package which had green stems sticking out one end. I opened the box to find attached to a huge bouquet of carnations an anonymous note addressed to me.

Meet me by the red maple tree by the river tonight at 8

Odins Pov

I was quietly sitting against the big maple tree, watching the birds chatter in the trees and occasionally glancing at my clock. A couple of my friends had come over and helped me decorate the place a little by wrapping white diary lights I'm between the branches of the trees and sides of the small wooden rowboat I had borrowed. I wondered whether she would even come when I suddenly heard the sound of cautious footsteps behind me, causing me to arruptedly jump up. Great. She had decided to come and the first thing I do is startle her to death.

Aubrey's pov

I was making my way down to the red tree nervously twisting my head around to make sure I wasn't being followed. The whole thing seemed rather sketchy and I didn't even know why I decided to go, when I spotted glowing lights coming from beneath the tree branches of the Forrest before me. My curiosity got the better of me and I began quickening my pace. When out of nowhere a tall shape jumped out at me from behind a tree. A shrill scream escaped my mouth before I even realized who it was.

"Odin?" I asked astonished.

He was shuffling around, with his hands in his pockets and starring at the ground.

"So you came, huh?" He looked up at me sheepishly.

Seeing as I wouldn't respond verbally not would I run away Odin slowly approached me and took my frozen hand.

"Come on, let me show you something." He whispered guiding me.

I saw more lights this time illuminating a small row boat parked on he shore of the river. I gasped, surprised.

"Odin, you didn't have too..." I began but he cut me off and merely tugged me towards the boat, holding my hand as I stepped in. He sat himself down across from me and began paddling slightly. After a while he stopped and merely turned around and moved to sit next to me. For the longest time, we merely sat there watching the sun set. No words were needed. I glanced at him and before I knew it it had closed by eyes just as he began leaning in. His lip brushed mine and we kissed. A warmth spread through my body as I embraced him. I opened up my eyes slightly to see the love of my life. I shut my eyelids and determined that this was going to be a moment I would remember forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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