Chapter 15: Prince of Action Movie

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Chapter 15: Prince of Action Movie

School has been really wonderful. Everything we do is educational but really fun! I have no regrets at all! I just get inspired all the time that my little notebook of ideas is getting filled up already. I might need to buy a new one soon! Melodies and lyrics just keep on coming to me; they just appear out of nowhere in my mind and brings me so many ideas! I get even more inspired every time I'm with Haruka and the others!

Speaking of Haruka, she asked me to meet her somewhere at the courtyard. She was going to introduce me to her little black cat. I can't wait to meet it and I bet it's cute!
I love cute things after all!

"Hmm...Haruka should be somewhere here."

Suddenly, I heard someone scream.

"That sounded like Haruka!"

I rushed to where the scream came from and when I got there, Haruka seemed worried. She was looking somewhere by the trees. I looked at the direction where she was looking and saw Syo clinging on a tree branch!


The tree branch snapped and he fell to the ground. Haruka and I rushed over to him.

"I'm sorry I startled you!" Haruka said.

Syo was lying on the ground holding is head with his hat on saying "ouch" for a number of times.

"Syo, are you okay?" I asked. "Can you get up?"

Haruka was worried about him. "Are you hurt? Would you like to go to the infirmary?"

Syo immediately got up and said, "NO!"
He then started to walk away.
"You two, don't tell anyone that you saw me here. Got that?"
Syo seemed angry and Haruka and I were startled. He continued to walk away.
Haruka and I then decided to get back into the school building and get ready for class instead.

When I got to the classroom, Syo still seemed irritated. I really wonder why.
After two classes, it was lunch and so I went to meet up with Haruka and the others.

"Kaori, over here!"

Haruka saw me and called me over.

"I'm going to order teriyaki burger and teriyaki chicken!"

"Haha. Tomochan, you always order teriyaki!"


Otoya suddenly got surprised.

"Hyuga-sensei is going to be in a movie called 'Prince of Precipices!"'
Otoya placed the magazine at the center of the table with the page that had the announcement of the movie. We all read it and were amazed. Hyuga-sensei always did have the image of an action star.
Tomochika suddenly pointed at the corner of the page and said, "They're holding auditions for a role in the movie!"

Natsuki looks at the audition announcement. "Oh! Syo-chan has been a huge, long time fan of Hyuga-sensei. I'm sure he'd love to get that role."

"Is that so? I'm sure Syo would love to co-star with Hyuga-sensei." I said.

After eating lunch, Haruka, Tomochan, and I decided to walk around school.
While we were walking, Haruka saw Syo.


Syo looked at our direction and we approached him.

"Did you know that Hyuga-sensei is going to be in a movie and that they're holding auditions for a role?"

"Yeah, I know about that, Haruka."

"Oh! So you did know about it! As expected from a dedicated fan!" Tomochan said.

Suddenly, we heard a voice call out to Syo.

Syo's face turned pale. He grabbed Haruka's arm and ran.

"Haruka!" Tomochan shouted.

I decided to chase after them. Syo could run really fast. He must be athletic.

After a while, I finally found them somewhere at the other end of the campus.
"Haruka! Syo!"

As I got closer to them, Natsuki came!

"Syo-chan, I found you!"
A giant net trap appeared and captured Syo and it hanged him up to a tree!

"Syo-chan has never been good with heights." Natsuki said as he approached me and Haruka.

Syo shouted as he was hanged up there.

We got him down after a while and went off into the campus to calm him down.

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