Brett and Sandy

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Brett and Sandy

ByJean MacIntyre

Cover design by Jean MacIntyre

Copyright © 2017 by Jean MacIntyre

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Dedicated to those who read my books and short stories. Thank you!

Brett and Sandy

Sandy was once again perched on the edge of Brett's desk, again wearing a short skirt, and again swinging her legs. She was grinning inside because she could tell he really wanted to look, but was trying his best to focus on her face.

"So what's your problem now, Sandy?"

"We have another showing tonight, if you're available. They are really anxious to sell because they found a house nearer to the city where he works. So can I count on you?"

"What time? And where's the house?"

She told him where the dwelling was located. "I'll drive this time. Does seven work for you?" Sandy was really hoping he would say yes, and he did.

Ever since Brett had joined the real estate office, and had taken over Shelley's clients, Sandy had been working closely with him. He had made it clear that he wasn't interested in a relationship because he was divorced and had support payments to make to his ex-wife. Fortunately they had had no children, but the payments were a real drain on his finances.

Two years had passed from his first day on the job and he was doing exceptionally well on sales. As his financial problems improved, so did his mood. He was much more relaxed and often asked Sandy to celebrate with him over dinner when one of them had made a really good sale.

Sandy knew she was falling in love with Brett, but she was gun-shy because of her failure to communicate her feelings in her last relationship. He had been a really good man, but because she wouldn't open up to him, he finally broke it off, leaving her devastated. She knew now that if she was ever to have a happy and meaningful relationship with Brett, or anyone else, she was going to have to change her ways.

The showing was a success and they had a firm offer. Brett had left the room to take a call on his cell phone and Sandy noticed a big change in him when he returned to talk to the interested couple.

Once they closed up and were on their way back to the office, she just had to ask him. "What's up with you? You look like a kitten who found an open butter dish."

"Let's go out for dinner when we're finished at the office. I have something to share with you."

"I'm up for that. One less lonely dinner at home to sit through." Sandy was curious but also happy to have some time away from the office with Brett.

Over dinner later Brett finally divulged his news. "That call I took while we were at the showing was the best news ever. It was my ex letting me know that she got married on the weekend, so I can stop the support payments. It's been a real drain on my finances but now it's finally over.

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