Is It My Fault?

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Isabella:*crying*NO PLEASE DONT
Ruby:Honey its for the best
Tony:Come on Isabella you have to get ready for your next fight
Mom rolled her eyes
Dad pulled my arm to the car
And we drove off!

When we got to Javier's
He greeted me with a fistbumb!
Javier:Whats up Isabella!!
Isabella:Nothing much, just the fact that my parents are getting divorced!
Javier was in shock
I could tell
He pulled dad aside
I can see their little conversation
I bit my lip hoping that dad wasnt mad at me

They finally finished their conversation
Javier:Well come one we got a fight to win!
I smiled at dad
He smiled back

I took out my boxing gloves
Javier told me to punch the target
I punched it, ducked it, and kicked it
I am really agressive!

When practice was over i took a big gulp of water
I can feel the blood in the back of my throat
The taste is bitter
Bloody like
Tony:Well lets go home
I had a sad face
I hopped in the car
And we drove off once again!

When we got home
I was shaking and telling myself not to go in
Its all my fault that mom and dad are going to get divorced
Tony:Its fine honey come in
I know my dad seems nice
But if i dont do good in practice or in a fight
He will get pissed off!
He opened the door with his keys
Ruby:Tony im so sorry!
Tony:Im sorry too babe
They hugged and kissed
I felt good that they were happy
Ruby:Well rest up kiddo you got a fight tommorow!
I smiled
Isabella:Goodnight dad, goodnight mom
I kissed them both
Ruby and Tony:Goodnight Isabella
Please give this book a star
Love ya babes😘

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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