Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes, cautiously taking in my surroundings. I was not on the beach any more, but I was resting on a bed. I tried to get up, but I fell right back down. I was too exhausted.

I began to hear muffled sounds, familiar voices, below me. I heard...THE CRYSTAL GEMS! They had seen me on the beach, and I am guessing they have taken me prisoner. This is what I wanted, but, I felt scared. What were they to do with me? They must know that if I'm here, Jasper is free too. I knew I would get some sort of punishment,  just like I would have on Homeworld. I was ready for anything, and yet, I began to cry? Why was I crying? 

This is what I wanted. I pulled the sheets that had surrounded me over my head, hoping they could shield me from my unforgiving reality.

I heard footsteps creak up my way, and I began to shake. I couldn't stop, I knew these might be my final breaths. A hand brushed against my shoulder, and I felt it slowly move towards my head. My cover was quickly removed, and my damp face, covered in newly forming tears, was visible. I probably looked pathetic.

The next words that came into context, actually shocked me. I expected something totally different?
"Are you okay?"
I looked at what seemed to be a worried face. Were enemies supposed to show care? Or was this some vile display of amusement. Was she faking this?
"How are you feeling Lapis? We saw you on the shore when we came back from the barn. Your gem looks strained, and I suggest you get some rest." Rest? But why. Lapis had nothing to live for. She had nothing. Nothing to get back to, and no place to call home. Surely these gems knew that, and were just toying with her. Everything to me just seemed dull. I burrowed my head in the pillow and began to cry.
Ughh why did I have to do this in front of the pearl? She knows I'm weak now, she can easily shatter me.
But instead, I get a tight embrace.
"Don't worry, you will be fine. It will get better."
The next thing I saw was the Fusion.
"Hey Lapis? How are you feeling?"
"I think your pearl already covered that question."
The Fusion was taken aback, but that quick gesture soon ended as she sat on the bed that accommodated me.
"I am not talking about your physical state, I am talking about your mental health. " 
I was ready to answer that question.
"How the hell do you think I am? I was stuck in that hell for months, with HER mind and HER thoughts consuming my own. I wasn't living, I was at deaths door. I don't even know why I tried so hard. I don't like this planet, and I sure as hell don't like you guys. So, all of that time, I was being fueled on hatred and anger. My head is still spinning from it all."
I put my head in my hands, clenching my blue hair. It felt good to feel my own hair.
"Where's Steven? I need to see him."
The Crystal Gems looked at each other, and the pearl went to get Steven, I suppose. I waited in silence, mainly an awkward silence. Much had happened between me and the Fusion. To much bad blood between us, leaving an unsettling tension in the mood. This is the last outcome I would have expected to happen.

"LAPPPPIIIISSSSSSS!!!!!!!!" I heard Steven yelling from downstairs as he ran up to greet me. He... hugged me? Why, I could not protect him. I couldn't save him from Jasper.
I love Steven and everything but their was this liquid coming from every part of his face and it was... just ew.
I pushed him away, and his face hardened and he instantly became more serious.
"Why'd you do that? I thought we were beach summer fun buddies!" He must joking right?
"Steven, how could you say that...when I let Jasper escape. I am a terrible being, and I let you down." He seemed almost shocked when I said that.
"Lapis, I have never seen anything more brave than that! You sacrificed yourself for me! And for a planet that you never got to enjoy-" I cut him off.
"I did it for you yes, but the other half of me, the darker half of me, did it for enjoyment. I wanted to imprison her. I held her captive, just as I have been held all of my life. I am not worthy of any such gratitude, from you or any other gem."
I had to leave, even here I was beginning to feel like a prisoner.
"If you are not willing to shatter me, it is best I leave, and I'll still be stuck on this planet anyway."
I began to get up, but to my surprise, the Pearl grabbed my arm. How elegant a gem she is, unlike me.
"Lapis, we know you care about Steven, and I know you don't have anywhere to go, so why not just stay here. You can see Steven all the time, and we will keep you company at least." I had been getting the vibe that this was a trap...but something about that Pearls' eyes, the age they express, and the trouble they endure, made me believe her.
"I mean, I won't be good company but..."
"LAPIS IS STAYING!" Steven jumped all around the room, with a wide grin on his face.
When I saw such joy, a small smile had reached my face. I guess I will exist for a little while longer.
"If you gems don't mind, I would like to rest just a bit more, fusion really takes a toll on you." It still eludes me as to how Garnet manages to stay in that form of hers. They smiled and acknowledged my wish, and one by one they dismissed themselves downstairs.
I drifted off to sleep.

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