Chapter 1

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Rydel enters Ross's room.

Rydel: Ross!!!!!! Get up! Its time for school!!!!!!!!

Ross falls off of his bed because Rydel was screaming.

Ross: OK,OK,OK, i'm up!!!! And stop screaming!!!!!!!!!!!

Rydel: OK, sheesh. What other way was I suppose to wake you up?

Ross: I don't know?!?!?! Now can you PLEASE get out so I can change?

Rydel: Fine! But you don't have to be so mean about it!

Ross: I said please!

Rydel: Fair enough -leaves-

Ross: -changes into black t-shirt, ripped jeans, sneakers ( I didn't know which sneakers, so I just put sneakers ), and a black leather jacket. goes to the bathroom and comes out, grabs book bag and heads out the door.-

Riker,Rydel,Mark,&Stormie: Good morning Ross!

Ross: Morning guys. - grabs apple and leaves- bye guys!!!!

Riker: well, that went by fast.

Rydel: yeah, i know

Stormie: does he not know he is suppose to wait for you guys? Rydel, wake up Rocky and Ryland please!

Rydel: sure mom!

Ross:- comes back in- sorry i forgot about you guys

Riker: dude, its no problem. why are you so eager to go to school though?


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