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     I opened up the first book, inside weres words and pictures. I could only assume that the two worked in tandem. I gave up on the books altogether and laid on the bed.

     I looked up at the ceiling, glad to be resting, glad to be away from Jace. Just.. Glad.

     I hadn't planned on falling asleep, but it seemed that I did.

     I walked into the seemingly empty hotel that I could call my own. My own castle of solitude. My own hotel of loneliness.

     My own settlement of freedom.

     I walked down the empty halls before finding a room that seemed to be habited. I turned and entered the door only to find that anything that was in there had moved.

     I entered the room cautiously, and slowly. I felt hands throw me to the ground, I looked up to see the grey eyed, dark brown haired man kneeling over me.

      "I am your father, why are you lying to yourself," He snarled, "You're just like me."

     I attempted to crawl away, "No I'm not."

     He grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him sharply, "Yes you are."

     "No she's not," a light blonde haired man threw him to the ground.

     "She is, though. She's my daughter."

     "That's where you're wrong," the man with light blonde hair kicked Jace's face and his head slumped over as though he were abruptly put to sleep.

     He then turned and held a hand out to me, "You're my daughter," his smile reached up to his blue eyes.

     I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up easily.

     "It's been a while."

     "I've never met you."

     "Guess we have some catching up to do, don't we?"


     I felt a hand on my shoulder and instantly brushed it off, "Shh, I don't want this dream to end," I mumbled as I held on to the final strings that kept the dream from floating away.

     "It's almost dinner time Konida," a great female voice spoke, "I figured you'd wanna get cleaned up first."

     "But the dream."

     "How about we get our own table during dinner and you tell me about it."

     "But I'm warm."

     "I'm sure you are. You'd be warmer if someone were laying with you."

     "But the dream."



     "Don't make me do it."

     "Do what?"

     Suddenly she was tickling me, I was sprawling on the bed, trying to get away but she crawled on top of me and continued her assault on my sides. I moved my hands to swat at hers but she adjusted so she could grab at my hands with one of hers and continue attacking me with her other.

Fifteen ✔Where stories live. Discover now