Chapter 1.

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-I'm starting a new story , different then the other one. I wasn't really "feeling" it. [If you know what i mean.] Anyways, this story just sorta came to mind so i thought i would try it out and see how it goes.

*Much Love<3


"Why can't I just stay with Adree?" I screamed with tears running down my cheeks.

"We're moving across the U.S Megan , and we're not leaving you here." Mom mom said trying to keep her voice calm.

"Fine! But just so you guys know I hate both of you!" I skreeched running up stairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me and slid down the wall.

I broke down. The feelings that were going on inside me. Hurt , betrayal , confussion , anger , sadness, scared. Everything just hit me. This isn't real life. I said to myself. This is not real life, it's just a dream. 


I heard a knock on the door.

"Leave me alone." i whimpered surling up into a ball.

"Common Meg, let your big brother in."


I heard the door open but I didn't look up.

"Look Megs, I know we're moving, I'm as upset as you are, but you have to look and the positive side of all this." Ethan said, sitting down next to me, "There's a reason for this.. It's under Gods hands."

I sighed, i guess he's right.

"Yeah I know, it's just I don't wanna leave all this behind you know, I mean I've lived here for almost 16 years?"

"And for me 18, i know exactly how you feel. But maybe God has something better for us in Washington, New York is very ghetto."

I let out a small laugh, "I guess, but I'm just scared. New people, new school, new atmosphere, just new everything."

"I know i'm supossed to be the big tough macho guy, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared too."

Me and my brother were very close. He was my bestfriend. Some people ever call us twins. Why? We looked a lot a like eachother. Same brown hair, same green brown eyes, same personalities, pretty much the same everything, even though he was many inches taller than me. Just by looking at eachother we could tell how the other was feeling, or sometimes even thinking. We are like a hand and a glove.

I told everything to him, and he told everything to me. We're not scared to show are feelings around eachother. He's one of the three people I can actually be myself around, and i don't have to be afraid to hide anything.

The other two? Well that's my momma and my bestfriend. I share all my secrets with each and everyone of them. I wouldn't trade any of them for the world. Heck, if one of them was tied onto train tracks and a trian was coming, I would lay down next to them without even hesitating.

I pulled out a half smile, "You know I love you right Ethan?"

"Yeah I know sis," he said smiling and putting his arm around me for comfort, "I love you too, very much."

I put my arms around him and pulled him into a warm hug.

"Now, I know you didn't mean it when you told mama and pa you hated them."

"Yeah i know, I was just so angry I guess I just said it"

"Well I think it would be best if you go apologize to them, I don't think you want mom crying anymore then she is."

"I left her crying?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, so I think it woul-"

"Crap." I cut him off and ran out of my room to find her.

"Momma?" I called, "Momma?"

"I'm in here" she said with a shakey voice.

I ran down stairs to the kitchen.

"Ma, I'm so sorry, please forgive me.. I didn't mean anything I said, to either of you guys. I guess I was just so angry I started saying things I didn't mean. I would never hate you. I could never hate you. Oh God i feel terrible, please forgi-"

"Sweetheart calm down, I forgive you. I could never be mad at you. I never was, I just guess i was sad. But honey always remember I'll love you forever and always." she said opening up her arm.

"I'm just so sorry momma." i said wrapping my arms around her.

"Darling, it's fine, no need to be sorry."

"I love you." i said quietly letting go of her.

"I love you too, and don't you ever forget that."

I smiled, "Now where's daddy? I need to go apologize to him too."

"He went to go get pizza for dinner, he'll be back shortly."

"He tried to make dinner again didn't her?"

She laughed, "You know your father so well."

"So when are we moving to Washington?" I asked while grabbing a bottle of water.

"Two weeks."

"Oh, alright." I said looking down "I guess I better go and call Adree, and tell her everything that's going on."

"Alright sweetheart, just don't take too long, your father will be home soon with the pizza."

"Alrighty," I said kissing her cheek.

I stumbled up stairs, went into my room and grabbed my iPhone off of my desk.

I dialed Adrees number and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hello?" A cheerful voice said.

"Hey Andree!"

"Hey love what's up?"


"Listen I need to tell you something."

"Alright I'm all ears."

"Okay, Uh, how do I put this.. Look Adree, I'm moving to Washington."


I know it was an awkward ending but i didn't really know how to else to end it. Please continue reading. I have a lot coming to mind for this story. I hope you enjoyed it, and there will be more to come. thank you guys!



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