Chapter 1

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"Just close your eyes, you'll be alright. No one can hurt you now," as the words left his mouth, my tears fell. How had this happened? All the walls I built, a new world I had worked so hard to create all came down on me in a matter a of seconds. A second. That's all it takes for everything to change.

8 months earlier


"Passengers, we are now five minutes from landing, please turn off all electronics. Our landing temperature in London today is 57 degrees. We hope you enjoyed your fight with Delta, and we hope you ride again," the flight attendant's perky attitude almost made me want to throw up. Plus, she had woken me up. I turn on my phone to check the time, but am interrupted by the same energetic voice-

"Excuse me miss, but please turn off your cell phone. It may interfere with the planes transmissions, and I'm sure you don't want to be the cause for the plane crashing," The blonde's sweet tone was obnoxiously excessive, and I roll my eyes, sliding my phone to power off. She squints her eyes and turns on her heels to go flirt with some middle aged man. As I step out of the airport, only a few hours later, I begin to think more.. clearly than I had before.

"Where am I going?" I think to myself. Where was home? No where. Who was I? At this point, I don't know. I don't know anything and I don't want to think anymore.

My head hurts anyway, so I catch a taxi and ride to the nearest motel. I am used to being alone, so the lack of human interaction doesn't bother me. It is nearly midnight by now and I want to get at least a few hours of sleep, so I pay the taxi driver and step into the road. I can't see a motel anywhere, and no one is in sight.


As I round a corner, looking for a place to sleep, a cold, raspy voice shakes me out of my thoughts. I jump back and turn around. Before I knew it, my feet were carrying me as fast as I could away from the voice. I turn around and my eyes barely made out a tall figure standing on the corner where I had been just a second ago. I whip my head back forward, but curiosity overcomes the best of me and I take a second glance back. I stop in my tracks.

Standing like a vogue model in the beautiful moonlight, is a muscular, tall brunette boy. His features are blurry as I was now further away, but I am automatically stunned by his beauty. I grow scared. Scared he would follow. So I turn. I run faster, harder, but not as hard as I had just the day before. Once I am about a mile or two away from that alley corner, I come across a crappy looking motel, but hey.. it's better than sleeping outside. I check in, my heart still pounding a thousand times in a second, and a skinny, red head leads me to my room. I try to sleep, but my mind keeps me awake.. wandering back to that man.

Who was he? Why did I run? Would he have hurt me? Why was I so scared? What did he say to me? Would I ever see him again? I stand up, walking to the bathroom, gripping the sides of the cold sink as my face turns pale. I feel sick. I can't breathe. What if someone found me? What if the life I had been running from had already found me? What if I created even more trouble for us than if I would've stayed. But no, I couldn't have stayed. I would have messed everything up. We finally were happy..

I grab an aspirin bottle from my purse and shoved a few too many pills into my mouth, and walk back to the crusty mattress I would be sleeping on. And I fall asleep.

Finally, I am calm.

Until a loud pounding shatters the silence and leaves me jolting up from my slumber. My head is throbbing and my heart could've fallen out of my chest, but I take a deep breath and stand up, walking to the door. The door creaks just like in every scary movie I had ever seen as it opens.

"Morning," he said. And I almost scream.

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