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The trivial matters life tried throwing at me, seemed unimportant compared to these. Here in this moment staring down at her face which usually radiated with happiness, was pale and creased with pain. Why? The only question was why. In that moment, I would of went through any other trivial matter, I just want her safe. Why wasn’t I the one sitting in her room with her when it happened? Why does life not want me happy? The peace in her face didn’t bring me joy it brought me nothing but a terrible aching pain in the pit of my stomach. My hope, my joy, all my happiness was laying here in this murky hospital on the dusty bed of the hospital possibly taking her possible last breaths. In minutes my other half could be gone, the one girl I gave everything to. Looking at the silver box in my hand that would have tied or fates together, I realized that life didn’t owe me anything. I was simply living it; all its trivial matters do matter. Everything that happens does matter it shapes us into who we are, and as my love took her last breath I realized…nothing was ever going to be the same, not even me.

Lifes Trivial MattersWhere stories live. Discover now