Alley Ways

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Everyday I would travel through the alley ways. I would always get questioning looks from people, but none ever followed me. I didn't ever tell my parents of course, I would always say I was going to the Library to study or out for a run to a ice cream shop. Cliché places like that. I always found it fun to explore, but I didn't think I'd come across something more than just a Pokemon card or a old baseball lost from being thrown to far off. I found something extraordinary.
I was walking through a alley. Looking through the junk on the ground, and I heard rattling coming from around the corner. So of course I thought it was some animal digging throw trash, right? Wrong, extremely wrong. I should have never ever ever! Turned that corner.o.l

       I whistled walking down to a street with a alley I never explored before. I looked around making sure no one was looking, and slipped in. The alley I was gonna explore was off limits to the public. I went farther in than I should have, I traveled around twists and turns getting lost in the wonders of this alley. Around the next corner I heard thrashing, and then footsteps.
       I immediately was put into panic mode and hid at the edge to that corner. I peeked around and saw someone standing their. I gasped, and the second I did I regretted it, I didn't have to see it but I knew they turned around. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. So I dashed. I ran fast around twists and turns that I ran straight into a wall, and I heard a splash when I ran into that wall. All went dark.

I woke to a dimly lit room, no, it wasn't a room. It was more a box shaped room with no ceiling. But I could make out human shaped bodies within the room. A deep voice then called to me...

"Young one, please do not be afraid. We do not want to hurt you. Decan, shine your light."

There was suddenly red beams going across the room. I was scared to death.

"We aren't normal people, and you aren't either. We have special powers, we can do things normal people cant do. Now that you know this we cant have you go back out there with this kind of knowledge. We need you to come with us." The voice said.

I was to shocked to say anything. So I just had a worried expression on my face. I looked around me. The dim redness of the room gave away silhouettes of people, or things that looked like people in the room.

"Child, will you please come with us?" the voice said.

"I-I...." I have nothing to really lose, and I'm up for a adventure. "Y-Yes. I want to go"

'"Lovely, then why don't we go then. If you will, stand up, and then walk forward. You will feel a bubbly feeling In your stomach, and feel a light push. That's all that will happen." He exclaimed.

So I did that, I stood up, and walked forward and then I felt bubbly. But there wasn't a light push, it was more of a angry shove. And then I was falling, falling, falling into the depth of darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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