Chapter 31: "Masterpiece of all Pranks"

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~Hunter's POV~

I was just about finish with my Alpha Duty. I grab the last stack of papers and start to filling them out. After about 15 minutes, I finally finished the last page. I stand up from my chair and start to stretch my hands upwards. I grab the stacks of paper and file them in the filing cabinet. I locked them real quick and leave my office. 

I didn't get really far until a gooey and sticky substance was poured all over me. I felt some wind and something else hitting me. Right after that happened, I felt a bucket drop onto my head. As I was trying to get the bucket off me, my hands got stuck and felt myself moving all of a sudden. I hear and feel myself rolling forwards, I'm trying hard not to lose balance, but all of a sudden I come a sudden halt and start to fly not expecting it. 

I felt my self land on a mat that was on the wall and fall backwards in some water. The water made the gooey,sticky substance to loose its stickiness. I took the bucket off my head and swim upwards. I look around and saw that I was in the pool. I look in the pool and see some feathers and something that looks like packing peanuts. I swim towards the edge of the pool and got out. 

My hair is matted to my head and my clothes feel more heavy because of all the water. I am slightly shaking as my body was definitely not ready for that or was prepared. Every step I make, I could hear a squishy sound each time I took a step. 

Once I head towards the back door, I could see what I was on; a skateboard. I could see this railing to keep me in line to go the specific direction. I could see some of my pack members looking at me with shock written on there faces. Some of them even had a knowing look. As I take a closer look, I see how elaborate this-this operation was. I start to head towards my room to go take a hot shower. I head upstairs and right as I open the door, I feel my self getting shot. This lasted for a whole 30 seconds. I look down to see what it was and realize that it was paint balls. 

I look down and saw that above my bed, there was a sign pointing towards the mirror. I slowly make my way towards the mirror and I am shocked on what it says. It said: "I told you I could do Better" 

I looked at my shirt in shock. How the hell did she get all that to fit on my shirt?! I looked around the room and saw that the paint ball guns are lined up in weird rows and there this string and a whole bunch of other stuff too.  

I head to the bathroom and strip of all my clothes and went to go take a quick shower. I lather my hair with shampoo and then conditioner. I clean all of my body parts and turned off the water. I put my hands through the curtain and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around my waist and  as was opening  the curtain. I screamed. 

Holy shit. Jax said

In the middle of the bathroom their was a stone statue of Cat supposedly laughing at a stone statue of me. 

I was in complete and utter shock. 

I go up to the statue and was astonished on how detailed it looked. I looked at it skeptically and go to my closet. I put on boxers and a red flannel pajama bottoms. I start to dry my hair with another towel and throw it towards the hamper afterwards. 

I go to my bed and move my bed blankets out of the way. I sit upwards in the bed and grab the remote while moving the blankets on me. I turn on the tv while I start to lay back. Once my back hits the pillow, a loud sound goes off. I jump up startled and the sound stops. I scrunch up my face in confusion.

I move the pillow and saw an air horn. I grab the air horn and took off the duct tape too. I opened my mouth shocked. When are these pranks going to end?!?!

I throw the air horn towards the floor and turn off the light. I shake my head and chuckle slightly at Cat's persistence to make a statement. I go to my bed and go to sleep on my side. As I was drifting off, I heard something swing and felt something kick me. I look up to see a shoe swinging. I groaned. 

"Please let this be the last thing!" I yelled up to the ceiling. 

Jax started to laugh at this. 

I slowly started to drift back to sleep. 


Worked on this all today. Hope this is enough for you guys. This chapter made me laugh just thinking about this actually happening to someone. 


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