They meet

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They jumped out of the bushes. "GRRR!" Holly hissed "DONT KILL ME! " The mouse said "well, too bad!" They both said then they looked at each other
"Holly???" Said Ivypool
"yes?" Said Holly
"uuhh I, didn't know you would be here" Ivy said
"well I wanted something to eat, duh!" Holly said
"are you guys gunna kill me or what" said mouse. Then 3 mice came and the 4 mice Jon,Tom,Eliza and Peggy did a dance and sang "you can't get us, you can't get us!" Then they stuck out their tounge's. Ivypool and Hollyleaf looked at each other and smirked "oh, I guess we can't" Ivy said all the mice looked at Ivy to see how stupid she looked then BAM! Hollyleaf stabed Tom and Peggy with her claw's "heh" Hollyleaf chuckled

Hollyleaf X IvypoolWhere stories live. Discover now