A Match Into Water (Tony Perry)

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My name is Emily Preciado sister of Jamie Preciado. I have the slightest crush on  Tony Perry. I'm 19 with hair the color of my brother and I'm going on tour with him tomorrow! So I'm packing the rest of my swimsuits because Jamie's band, Pierce The Veil, is playing Warped tour this summer. As I finish packing I hear a knock on my door, "Come in." I say. The door opens with a squeak and I see Jamie's spiky hair poke through, "Hey Emily are you done packing yet?"

"I am now, why?"

"Because the guys are downstairs and you've never met  Mike or Vic."

"Oh okay is Tony down there too?"

"No but he should be here shortly."

"Alright." I say as I follow my brother down the stairs.

As I walk into the living room I'm greeted with 2 hellos and I awkwardly wave back. The awkwardness is some what gone as Jamie walks in to the room with 3 beers. 

"What? None for me?" I ask playfully, but notice Jamie doesn't get it.

"No and you know why." He snaps. It's true I do know why. It all started when I was 17 my boyfriend, Adam, started abusing me and I drank until the pain went away and then I just got hooked. Jamie doesn't know about the abuse he thinks I just have an alcohol problem. 

"Emily!" Jamie shouted.


"Go get the door I think Tony's here."

"Ughhhhhhhhh" I get up and open the door for Tony, but to my surprise it's not Tony it's Adam.

"Hey, Emily, tell your stupid brother we're going for a walk." He says in an a quiet voice so he doesn't alarm the guys but soaked in anger. Oh joy. 

"Hey it's Adam and we're gonna go for a walk!" I yell to Jamie.

"Okay, be back by midnight we leave at 5am tomorrow!" With that I grab my jacket and walk out the door closing it behind me. We walk until the house is out of sight and Adam grabs my arm ridiculously tight making me flinch.

"We're are you going at 5?!" He yells.

"I- I'm going on tour with Jamie's band." I try to explain, but of course he just Blows a gasket.


"I'm sorry I just-" I was cut of by a push into a very familiar place, Adam's house. I fell to the ground and he just kicked me repeatedly.

"YOU BITCH YOU'RE PLANNING TO CHEAT ON ME!!" I want to deny it but I'm gasping for breath as it is. Next thing I know I'm being picked up and thrown into Adam's room and he's taking my clothes off and I'm trying as hard as possible to fight it but I've lost so much energy as it is. And all I'm seeing now is black.


I was just raped by my own boyfriend. I thought a boyfriend is the one who is supposed to protect me from things like this. I look over and see Adam laying there sleeping and the clock says 11:30 pm. Well I better get away from this monster, I get up and grab a pen and piece of paper.

Dear Adam, 

I've left and I'm on tour now but just so you know 

when I get back I never want to be in contact with 

you again. You've hurt me for the last time so 

goodbye asshole.   Sincerely, 


I leave the paper on the counter and run out of the door and into the starry night. I run for about 10 minuets and then sow down to a walking speed. I see my neighborhood just up ahead I try to continue walking but something is stopping me.  I don't even look back I just yell at who I think is Adam.

"Don't you see how much you've put me through I just can't put up with your shit anymore, I'm over it!!" 

"Emily?" I replay the voice in my head and relize it's not Adam. I turn around and am now face to face with Tony Perry. I look down to my toes and wisper.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?'

"For yelling at you. I just... I thought you were someone else."

"Who did you think I was?"

"Uhh, no one just pretend you didn't hear that, okay?"

"Yeaah I guess I can do that but if you ever need a pair of ears I'm your man."

"Okay." I reply still looking at my shoes as if they're the most interesting thing in the world. 

We walk about 1/3 of the way to my house until something grabbes me again. I look at the hand on my shoulder, and follow the arm connected to the hand. I stop when I see Adam there glaring at me.


"N-no Im s-sorry."

"YOU ARE MINE I TELL YOU WHEN YOU CAN LEAVE!" that's when Tony tries to step in.

"She is not yours you can't-" I stop him by facing him and telling him it's not his fight.

"Adam I really just, I have to go on tour I'm sorry!'

"You won't be enjoying that tour long." He mumbles while slowly backing away.

---------------------------                                                                                                      ---------------------------Tony looks at me worried I just give him a small smile.

Tony looks at me, "What the Hell Emily?!"

"What?" I look at him nervously.

"I could have fucking helped you!"

"No I wasn't going to risk the chance of you getting hurt!" 

"Oh, so you expect me to just sit back and watch while you get hurt?!"

"Well, yeah I mean everyone else does." I wisper looking at my feet once more.

 ~Tony POV~

"Well, yeah I mean everyone else does." 

"I bet Jamie doesn't"

"Well you would be wrong."

"So you're telling me that Jamie doesn't care if you get hurt?" I ask in shock.



"Uh, I don't really know how to put this."

"Just spit it out." At this point I'm kinda pissed off and sad from the fact she thought I would just let her get hurt.

She eventually does tell me, but its just a big jumble of words.


"Jamie doesn't exactly know."

"Doesn't exactly know what?" At this point I'm lost.

"About, h-him."

"WHAT?!" As I scream at her I watch her slink back in fear.

"I-Im sorry, it's just-"

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yell once again and stomp down the road back to my house and away from Emily.

As I make my way down the road I realize what a big mistake I had made and turn  back around.

~Emily POV~

As Tony walked away I started sobbing, he hates you, he'll never love you those thoughts swirling in my mind as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Tony.

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