Chapter 2

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The Akoum was a region more known for its treacherous landscape and harsh environment. Canyons ran for miles that often led to dead ends, the peaks of which often brittle and collapse at the mere step causing many unknowing travelers to fall to their deaths and rocks to rain down on those below. Even if the fall doesn't kill you there are many creatures in the land that take advantage of the canyons many pits and crevices, waiting for prey to fall. On the far side of the canyons lie the mountains of Akoum, forever active and rumbling, spewing lava and fire whenever it pleases. Not many can navigate this terrain and even fewer come out alive. All these many day to day dangers and yet there are several settlements nested either at the base of a volcano or at the bottom of canyons. Djorn, Malia and Caleb lived in such settlement.

The smell of something smoldering still hung in the air as Malia walked

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The smell of something smoldering still hung in the air as Malia walked. She grabbed a handful of her hair. "This smell will never wash out." She mumbled. The flag that flew above their home could be seen for miles if you knew where to look. Many would ignore the canyons and seek shelter elsewhere but for the members of the Ashenpaw settlement this was an ideal location. Canyon walls to their left and right and at their backs in the distance the volcanoes. No one could sneak up to them without putting their own lives at risk. 

"Are we gonna tell them about what happened?" Caleb asked. "We probably shouldn't have been there in the first place."

"Of course we do!" Djorn exclaimed. "I fought a geopede and lived! I'm telling everyone!" He grabbed a rock and threw it gloating.

Malia laughed. "You especially shouldn't say anything, your father would kill you." Djorns father was the blacksmith of the settlement and well known to be very strict.

"Then I wont tell him." Djorn replied. Malia scoffed.

"It's still a shame we had to seal it up." Caleb slumped a bit as he walked. "I know you wanted to add the cave to the maps back home." 

"It's fine." Malia started. "I almost always find new places and with how much Akoum changes no one map will ever be exact, it's why people need guides." She smiled. "And i intend to be the best there is!" 

By the time the three of them made it to the settlement the sun was just above the horizon. The sky started turning scarlet red and the canyons started casting shadows that reached across the plane, covering their home like a blanket. The Ashenpaw banner stood at the head of the settlement, piercing the shadows. The people of Ashenpaw lived in small huts on wheels so as to be easy to move when need be. Caleb lived near the front of the settlement as did Malia, Djorn lived near the back. They parted ways and headed to their warm beds.

Caleb opened the door to his home. The wooden door creak was a comfortable sound and the aroma of various flowers and plants was a warm welcome. Caleb's mother was known as the "green mother" for her knack for growing rare plants and herbs, especially in a moving settlement like Ashenpaw. Their home is always covered by vines and flowers like a moving garden, the inside was no different. The walls were like roots and Caleb's bed rested at the top like a tree-house, a single window at the head of his bed. He's spent many nights gazing at the stars and moon, wondering about the world before he fell asleep. Caleb noticed his mother was nowhere to be seen but this was common, she would often go out to collect fresh soil or water for her gardens. Caleb opened the pantry, snagged a pastry made the night before and climbed up to his bed. The blankets were made from a peculiar animal hide, it had the tendency to warm up quickly but never became too hot. Caleb covered up and looked out his window. The sky was no longer red but pitch black. The new moon wasn't for three more days so the stars could be seen clearly. But it wasn't the stars alone Caleb was watching, he was looking for constellations. Many constellations told stories of years ago when the land was new, others about valiant fighters who won wars with will power alone. To the north you'd find the constellation of an angel named, Arkon the brave. As Caleb's mother told the story,  Arkon's life started in a settlement like Caleb but he eventually left to fight in a war against ogres. They were losing till Arkon challenged the ogre chief to a fight. With a stroke of his arm the ogre chief shattered Arkon's blade but he pulled out a small dagger his mother gave him and kept fighting. The ogre chief laughed and drew out his long curved blade. He rushed at Arkon and swung it with all the might an ogre could muster. The blade sliced into Arkon's shoulder and down to his heart but never reached it. Arkon plunged his small knife into the ogre chiefs heart and he fell over dead in an instant. The war was over. It's said angels came down to Arkon and guided him to the sky then rewarded him for his bravery by making him an angel like them. It's also said that since ogres had such tough skin Arkon's blade would have never killed the chief, there had to have been a scar left from a previous battle that softened the skin near his heart, but even that was no small feat. As age old battles played out in Caleb's mind he never noticed how heavy his eyelids got, or how dark the world became as he drifted off into sleep.

Malia lived with her two brothers and their father. Each brother had their own hut and Malia, being the youngest, shared a hut with her father. Her father was a very respected man. If anyone in the settlement got out of hand he was always the first onsite to deal with the situation personally. Her brothers were no different, each following her fathers footsteps to become recognized as figures of authority. Malia however wanted to be a guide, she wanted to help others who were lost in the Akoum and get them safely to their destination, like her mother. Malia didn't get more than two feet away from her hut when the door burst open. It was her oldest brother Urik. "Well look at this!" He laughed. "The heavens have indeed blessed us tonight! The chosen one has decided to come home on time!" Malia was not amused. She pushed past Urik and tried to get to her bed only to find her second oldest brother, Salik, sitting on it. In his hand he held a book full of maps Malia had drawn personally. "Looks like you've been out in the canyons again." He mocked. "You know father is gonna have a fit when he sees this." Malia rushed up to Salik and tried to snatch the book away from him. He easily dodged. "Careful Salik she's as mean as a basilisk now!" Urik laughed again.

"Give me my damn book!"Malia yelled. Salik just jumped off the bed. He was about to open the book when a loud booming voice was heard outside the hut. 

"What is with this noise at this hour!" Salik and Urik jumped at the voice. The hut door opened and a tall muscular man with short hair but thick black beard stepped in, it was Malia's father Don. Salik, not wanting to get into trouble, handed him the book. "Look father," He started. "Malia has been to the canyons again. I found this under her pillow." Don took the book and shook his head. Salik and Urik sneered at Malia.

"I don't believe this." Don grumbled.

"Father i can explai-" Don held up his hand and stopped Malia.

"I can't believe my own two sons would stoop so low as to steal from their sister." Don's grumble became a growl.

Salik and Urik froze. Don turned to them with a furrowed brow and grabbed their shoulders, tightly. "I will not tolerate this behavior." He spoke sternly. "Tomorrow at sun up you two are running laps around the entire settlement till this nasty habit is gone, is that clear?"

"But-but-but." Salik and Urik both mumbled at the same time.

"I said is that clear?" Don spoke louder.

"Yes, father." They responded. Don winked at Malia. Salik and Urik rushed off to their huts to get as much sleep as they could before tomorrow. Don Grabbed a chair at the table and sat with the book. 

"Can you fetch me the gladewine?" 

Malia went to the pantry and grabbed a tall green bottle filled with white liquid and a glass. She brought both to her father and sat across from him, worried. He poured a glass and took a drink. He looked at the bottle. "Malia? Do you know where gladewine comes from?" He asked. She thought for a moment before answering. "Yes, it comes from the plains near Bala Ged." She answered. Don nodded to himself. "You know how dangerous the way is from here to there as well? Through the canyons, through the mountains?"

"Yes." Malia responded.

Don held the book in his hands. "And did you know your mother was the one to find a safe trade route through the mountains? She risked her life to help travelers and traders get through safely." Malia listened closely. "I've told you what happened to her before right?" Her father asked. Malia didn't answer, she knew what happend.

"One day, on a path she knew by heart, the ground broke open and she fell into the canyon." Her father continued. "The land is dangerous Malia." His voice was heavy and weighed down on Malia. All she could do was bow her head as her father spoke. "Too dangerous for you to be out there climbing the canyons!" Don stood up suddenly. "I do not want you out there!" 

Malia stood up as well. "Then what DO you want me to do? Stay here and guard the hut?" She asked mockingly. "I can't do that! I want to go out there and see the mountains for myself, i want to help others, I don't want to spend the rest of my life here can't you see that!" She started to yell.

Don stood and stared. "You have your mother's defiant attitude i'll give you that! But that doesn't change the fact that I will not allow you to risk your life when you are still so young!"

"SHE probably left to get away from YOU!" Malia screamed

Don raised his hand suddenly. Malia didn't move. He lowered his hand and turned.

"I do not want to see you leave this room." His voice was cold. "You are just like your mother." He left the book on the table and left, slamming the door behind him.

Malia grabbed the book, ran up to her bed, forced her face into her pillow and cried herself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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