Chapter 9 - The final | Goodbye

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|| So last chapter before the real story is on, this will be a good one, promise u! ||

Chapter 9 - The final | Goodbye

"Yeah, hello?”

(Emily’s POV)

”Yeah Hello?” I immediately said after I answered the unknown call.

I heard some muffled voices on the other line that I didn’t recognize. I took the phone away from my ear and studied the screen, the display said ”blocked”, so I couldn’t see the phone number from the caller.

“Hello-o-o?” I echoed as I tried to get some kind of interaction with the strangers on the other line while I brought the phone up to my ear again.

(Harry’s POV)

“Hello-o-o?” I head Emily’s voice echo on the other line, probably getting tired of not hearing anything back to her.

“Harry, just answer her already. You were the one who actually wanted to call her!” Niall hissed with clenched teeth as his gaze passed from my eyes to my phone, which I had my hand clamped over, so our conversation wouldn’t reach Emily.

“Hey, don’t blame all this on me. You wanted to call her as well, here you take it!” I whispered back at Niall and gave him the phone, still covering the microphone.

I saw how Niall grabbed the phone immediately and pressed it to his ear, but then somehow didn't know what to say and gave it back to me. I mentally rolled my eyes as I took back the phone.

“Fine, it’s just a normal phone call right?” I laughed cheekily as I pressed the phone to my ear, hearing the background noises mixed up with Emily’s from time to time, she was probably in school.

When I just was about to open my mouth I heard how some shuffled noises came from Louis’ room, we could hear how he moved things, and we could also hear him mutter something under his breath. We heard him coming closer to the door, and that's when we saw it open up.

I canceled the call immediately and put it down in the back pocket of my jeans, meeting a nappy Louis in the hallway.

“Hey, there you are. I was just looking for you two.” Louis yawned slightly as he rubbed his left eye with his knuckle.

“Oh man, what for?” Niall asked quickly as we both tried to look as normal as we could, but we both  had the phone call with Emily in our minds.

“Yeah, I was just wondering..uhm..” Louis stopped as he felt through his jeans, and that’s when I remembered that I took his phone just a few minutes ago.

“I can’t seem to find my phone anywhere, have you seen it?” Louis still rushed through his pockets, not locking eyes with us.

I went behind my back and felt Louis’ phone in my back pocket, I felt kind of guilty seeing Louis rush through his pockets with nervousness when I had it closer than ever.

“Well Sorry, I haven’t seen it man, but go and check with Liam and Zayn, maybe they know where it took off." Niall answered him quickly, finally he said something good.

But then he continued..

"Because how could we know, we would never go inside your room to steal your phone, or like use it to like get other numbers and stuff.. Or just look at it. Like, that would be weird, because we got our own phones. Like, everyone else. Pfft ” Niall laughed nervously as he clapped his hands together.

Oh no, I so wanted to punch him in the face at tthat moment

Louis gave him a suspicious look, but eventually just shrugged it off, heading over to Zayn and Liam.

Trouble in so called, paradise (Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now