Chapter 4 (Filler) - "He wants to hang out!"

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Beth's P.O.V

I got into my bed and got my phone. Still no texts from Louis. I sighed and put it down on the bedside table.

"Still nothing?" Yasmin said, oh yeah I forgot to mention she is sleeping over and was currently led on the floor with a bunch of blankets covering her.

"Nope" I murmured

"Do you really like him?" She said looking up at me and sitting up, leaning on her left arm.

"I'm not sure, I'll get over him soon" I replied

"Beth, I know it when you like someone, you always check your phone for texts from them and you day-dream about them, it was like that with Josh" Yaz said. I gulped as I thought about Josh.

"Sorry" Yaz said quickly. Josh was my boyfriend that was the only boy that ever liked me, one day I was walking with him across a road and a car came speeding around the corner. He pushed me out of the way and I landed on the pavement, but Josh didn't the car came around and hit him he was taken to hospital and then shortly died after. I often cry about him, He saved my life.

I sighed and led back onto my pillow.

"I'm really confused I don't even like One Direction you kno-" My phone buzzed cutting off my near-rant and I picked it up quickly.

"Yep you like him" Yasmin muttered.

"It's from him!" I don't know why I felt so happy, oh maybe because someone from One Direction the biggest boy band in the world just text me!

My eyes quickly scanned over the text,


From: Louis


Hi Beth sorry about all the paps and the news, I was just wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime to say sorry?


To: Louis

Hi Louis it's ok and yeah sure I would love to hangout maybe tomorrow?


"He wants to hang out!" I Squealed.

Yaz laughed and shook her head,

"A few days ago you would of said you hated them"

My phone buzzed again.


From: Louis


Yeah, you can go backstage in my concert tomorrow if you would like? You can bring your friends too and meet the other lads.


I showed Yaz the text and she squealed and we both jumped up and down on my bed I quickly replied with a 'Yes' and we got into bed and just chatted until we were tired and then went to sleep

I wonder what is going to happen tomorrow..


Thanks for reading it's only a filler but it's late, please follow and read my friend Yasmin_Soulheart she is new:) -Beth x

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