Chapter 3

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The next day Sabrina had waited for Cleo to return from her job she didn't know what job it was exactly but Sabrina needed to talk to Cleo about this demon stuff because Sabrina knows exactly what to do she has the demon to ,just then Cleo arrived home seeing Sabrina was waiting for her knowing this might not be good

Sabrina then told Cleo what she saw yestersaday with the whole mugging thing Cleo looked shocked and denied it at first but then Sabrina says she also has a demon in her it was because of this demon that she was in the wild and all alone Cleo then said well seeing as we both have this demon in us we can be the best of friends and we can talk to each other freely

So they decided, seeing as they both like traveling , to travel to each city and land so they packed their things and went of just as they were almost out of the city a group of men charged them and tried to kill them and take all their belongings and so that was the worst thing they could possibly do because Sabrina and Cleo could control their demon and with that the demons burst out knocking every man away so that they could go through and leave the city

Sabrina and Cleo then ran and ran as fast as possible they didn't know where they were exactly they had lost the map that those men took ,just a little further in the woods they hear what sounds like a boy ,they go towards the sound and they see a boy busy with a sword in hand training of some sort

It looked like he was training but for that Sabrina and Cleo both very curious decide to slowly go closer the boy then stops and says you should leave you dont belong here leave before its to late they ignore him and ask whats his name he then gives them a warning throwing his sword just near Sabrina's head Sabrina and Cleo now mad decides to teach him a lesson by turning into their demons and charging him

The boy stood stil not doing anything they were both on him he just gave a little smile and without warning he to turned into a demon but he was stronger ,faster than Sabrina and Cleo they were thrown back and turnes back into Sabrina and Cleo

He then said: you two are strong but not strong enough ,would you like to join me he asks ,Sabrina then asks, join you for what ,well the upcoming war ofcourse he says ,what war Cleo asks

The war of all demons, they are coming to destroy all young demons to prevent any chance of a rebellion against them ,Sabrina then says ok we'll join but first things first who are you ,, my name is kyle

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