C5-Ur only one call away

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Narrator POV
Gabbie waited for him to say hello until she couldn't take the silence.
"Hey"she smiled(even though he couldn't see it)
"Hi"Shane laughed."why are you calling me so early!"he added on.
Gabbie looked at the clock 2:00am. Wow she didn't think about that.
"Sorry,"she grinned.
"But actually why the hell are you calling me?"he questioned her.
"It's about Colleen,"she bit her lip.
Shane let out a sigh,and shook his head.
"Okay,"he leaned on the headboard of his bed.
She told the whole story, her face blushing as she told about how cute Colleen was. Shane laughed at her.
"Rude,"she giggled.
But then the whole Shannon thing came in and she was confused. Shane listened carefully to her words as she talked seriously.
"Well,"Shane said. "Who do you love the most,"he added.
"Colleen,"she covered herself in a blanket:
So that's it.
Gabbie's eyes grew big. Hanging up quickly she looked at herself. "No wonder Colleen likes Josh more look at you"she thought to herself.
Her face turned red in anger and she walked back to her bed. And folded her self in the soft blanket. Drifting into sleep.

(Colleen's place still Narrator POV)
Colleen woke up Josh was still sleeping. A call from someone woke her up. "Shane is ugly😂" it read. It was from Shane her hand gripped the phone and sooner or later she called back.
"Hey,"she laughed.
"Colleen,"he sounded stern.
"What's wrong?"she asked.
"Gabbie is what's wrong,"he added on.
"What's so wrong with her?"she frowned.
"You,"he hung up the phone right after.
YOU what did you mean. What was wrong with Gabbie. The questions floated through her head. She felt something was wrong. She wrote a note and left it at the bedside table for Josh. Gabbie needed her.

•giving two chapters since I haven't posted in a long time hope you understand I've been busy and I'm doing all I can+

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