5: Getting Used To This

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Chapter Five: Getting Used To This

It had been almost a week since my sister had started going back to school again. My parents had woken up from the trance they were in from the moment they received the news that all my vitals were stable, except I was in a comatose.

In short, they started anew, in the hopes that one of these days, I would wake up, and things would go back to normal. Well, that’s what they’d tell me (or to be more specific, the useless piece of lump that is my body) . Coleen had gone back to school, and both my parents returned to their respective jobs.

I can’t really say that I know that they’re trying to normally go about in their lives because I’ve been following them, but because, they don’t stay in my hospital room 24/7 anymore.

And where have I been? I’ve just been drifting about in the hospital grounds with my new friend, Jeron Tan. He says that he is a year older than me (as he remembers), and like me, he does not know how or why he has been passing through in this crazy state of ours. He was just totally glad that somebody could finally see him.

Being with him these past few days, actually made me realize that the hospital is quite an interesting place. There are a lot of stories behind every closed door. We’ve actually visited every room, with Jeron telling me what he knew about the patients who currently reside in that certain room. Yes, we have visited every room. He’s shown me every room, with an exception of one. His.

He must be really touchy about his physical self’s state. Another thing that seemed strange to me, is that he won’t tell me what happened to him. I had been asking him since day one, but he wouldn’t budge, telling me he’d tell me if he was ready. His condition must be really serious.

As of the moment, I was sitting on my bed, trying to figure out how I can get my current indistinct state attached to my physical self so I can be done with this and go be alive. I have tried everything I could think of, but nothing would work. I never asked Jeron for ideas because it’s kind of like a matter of pride. I mean, how long has he even been stuck here in this void? For sure, he has tried to get out of this place several times already. I didn’t want him to feel much worst.

In the middle of my deep thoughts, I hear the door to my hospital room click, and see my older sister enter. Coleen looked much better now. She wasn’t crying so much anymore.

“Hey, Juls.” She greets, as usual, plopping her things on the side table by the fridge. “How was your day?” she asked my body.

I would have loved to answer back, Oh, hey sis, my day was pretty good, as you can see, just doing nothing all day! Being in a coma is actually fun!

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