The Mate

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OMG i know i sound childish but when i saw everyone of you who read my book im so so happy,and thank you jls2182 for your comment...thats my first comment,thank you.

So this will be it before the my holiday..


lots of love


Three years later

It's dark everywhere,but this is my moment  .Rustle sound coming from the right side,I'm in my position to pounce anyone or whoever appear from the bush.This is the moment i enjoy the most,because...... i get to kill.....I know i sound a little bit cold blooded but after three years of loner life you cannot be too careful,becoming rogue made me aware that everywhere its danger the hunter,the human and the others(rogue).

And you can only rely on YOUR OWN!!!!

"CLAK"another branch broken

Its near....

I smell the air,its hunter and there's only three of the.... stupid hunters....

I hate the hunters,they are cruel and disgusting,they will kill everyone of us just for their own pleasure.....

And now I will be their invisible Hunter...

This is my own little joke,because of my Alpha blood I'm huge and I'm fast.Thanks to Bleu,I'm a very good fighter and I mean VERY GOOD indeed.So after a few encounter with the hunter during my first year as a rogue,I knew I need to protect my own kind,to save the innocent one,I made myself the HUNTER as well but I'm huntingTHEM...

A smile form but looks more like a sneer in my wolf form...

"I  saw a  few rogues walking around................'

snap me out of my reverie

"Bleu there's other rogue around here as well,"

"Yeah ,we need to be extra careful,don't forget what happen,'

"Yeah I know,"looking at my scar front leg remind me of the attack 2 years back in Arizona,I was attack by 3 male rogues and their wicked thinking just made me shiver again.They wanted me to become their sex slave,for god sake,I just run out from one and I don't plan to jump back into another crazy situation.....So long story cut short, ends upI'm almost dead at that time and I got a scar  although i can heal rapidly with my wolf ability but the rogues all are dead.I'm glad I get it though its remind me of my own victory.


"Oh shit I'm too deep in my thought never realise the present of a wolf not far from my left side......"

but why am I not scare???Instead I fell WARM???this is weird...and Bleu never warn me which is a first for her to be so ignorant...

"Bleu...Who's there???,"

"erm....,"its sound like a whimper



With Bleu acting so weird towards THAT WOLF,I'm feeling very hot myself and a pull towards this invicible wolf. I'm getting agigated with myself at the same time feel the need to approach the  wolf which cause me this kind of wonderful feelings...."Oh shit,what did I say??"....I'm sure if I'm in my huamn form I'm red liek a tomato right now...

I'm hot,antsy,fucking complicated  and I wanna found out WHY..

I could care less for the hunters now, I would finished them up later..Now the wolf which pique my interest is the main target...

A step forward to the left


I twist my neck to the right,to my horror I saw a black wolf fell down right in front of my eyes at the same time i heard Bleu shriek....


Right there right then my heart shattered into thousand pieces....

I saw the wolf took over... There's only one thing in my mind...



" don't you dare come near me,I have aaaa.... gun?"

Another growl and before the hunters could react..

I went straight for the neck ,the one firing the shot went down first and the second third were motionless within second.

I ran back to the black wolf and heard a whimper which squeeze my heart..

It's definitely a male werewolf,and he's huge,he's shot at the front leg which is not really that bad after all...


I'm freaking furious right now but when I look into his eyes,I'm petrified.....


Think I'm gonna leave you here,I'm not that cruel after all,the second one its upload as well...


Lots of love


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