Anna’s P.O.V
I don’t even really remember getting in bed last night. My head was pounding from crying so hard and unlike any other day no smile was plastered on my face and I felt horrible.
Gone. The person who isn’t just a friend but instead became a sister is gone. Ripped from me like that.
I got out of my bed and quietly padded over to to large window with a window seat, that was my special spot with Ellie. Silent tears rolled down my face but I welcomed them. I sat down and brought my knees to my chest, looking out into the horizon where the sun was just starting to peak up. Then I brought my eyes to the spot across from me, which was Ellie’s spot. Quiet sobs wracked my body, knowing that she was actually gone.
“Anna be happy for her.” I whisper, scolded myself, “This is the best thing for her, a new family, new home, a new start. And anyway we promised we would never forget each other.”
By this time the sun was coming up and other girls were starting to move around but everyone knew not to bother me.
The place was definitely more quiet than usually, weather its that Ellie wasn’t here or I wasn’t talking, or both, it was silent.
Ms. Robbin was out for the morning, thankfully. I really wasn’t in the mood for her right now.
The phone rang, which we were only able to pick up when Ms. Robbin was out.
The thought of Ellie and I picking up the phone and talking in fake voices, just screaming, or talking jiberish to the other line brought a smile to my face.
I picked up the phone but just answered with a normal hello.
The voice at the other end made me drop the phone it slammed against the wall and dangled by the wire. I scrambled to pick it up and brought it to my ear, “Hello? Hello!” I answered frantically. I heard her giggle on the other end which brought a sincere smile to my face.
“Oh my god Anna, I miss you so much!”
“Oh Ellie! It’s so different without you here.”
“I have some things to tell you!” She squealed.
I sat my back against the wall. “Hit me.”
“OK, so first, my new parents are great so far.”
“That’s great Ellie.” I hope I covered up the bit of jealousy I was feeling.
“My room is huge and the bed has more than one sheet!” I smiled at her excitement.
“Okay heres the really important information. You know Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn?” She asked
“Of course I know them! They’re like me favorite people.” I answered her, kinda confused at where she was getting with this.
“Well this is going to sound REALLY weird, but you have to believe me.”
My eyes were knitted in confusion. “Okay Ellie, I’ll believe anything you say.”
“So I got a computer,” I know what a computer is, I’m not that clueless, “So I was just kinda looking around and all of a sudden their faces popped up.” Okay now I’m confused.
“Wait! Wait! Let me finish!” She screamed making me laugh.
“Okay, okay continue.”
“So as I was saying I clicked on it, and apparently they are in a world famous boyband called One Direction, with millions of fans, World Tours, and their own movie!”
“Woah woah woah. You’re not kidding?”
“Not at all! I’m serious. They are in so many magazines its ridiculous and the fans- oh the fans. They are absolutely nuts! They know everything and I mean EVERYTHING about the boys.”
“EEEEk! This is so exiting!” I answered happily. “I have an idea.” I thought out loud.
I like the sound of this.” She answered and I could practically see the smirk on her face.
* * *
“Ok Ellie, I have to go, the Evil One is going to be back soon” I told her, upset that our time together was almost done.
“I’ll talk to you soon. Bye Anna, I miss you.”
“Bye, I miss you too.”
* * *
Ms. Robbin was back and I just tried to stay away from her as much as possible. Talking to Ellie made me feel better though.
I was back on the window seat, just thinking about life until I saw two cars drive up, I sprinted down the stairs taking two at a time until I opened the door and my plan was thrown into action.
Zayn’s P.O.V
I was both excited and nervous as I stepped out of the car. The two giant doors to the orphanage flew open leaving Anna running out.
“OH MY GOD! It’s One Direction!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, bringing a lot of attention from other girls who stood in the door giggling.
My expression probably mirrored the other boys, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Louis I love carrots!” Louis put his face in his hands and groaned at the sound of the over used joke he made over 4 years ago.
Anna stopped fangirling and doubled over laughing and pointing at us, “Oh your faces,” She choked out between laughter, “I would pay to see that!” Niall was the first to react and broke down into laughter besides her.
Next Louis broke in, “How’d you do that? That was brilliant!”
Anna stopped laughing for a second, “What I think you meant to say is ‘That was Brilliam’”
Louis picked her up and started tickling her sides, her squirming and laughing.
She didn’t even see Anne and Gemma standing a few feet away from us.
Anna’s P.O.V
I didn’t want them to leave I wanted them to stay with me. Right now I was comfortable in Harry’s arms, playing with a curl and twisting it around my finger.
“You want to meet some new people?” He asked me.
My eyes brightened. “I love new people!”
He brought me over to two smiling women. “That’s my sister Gemma,” He pointed to the younger women, “and thats my mum.”
He placed me down and I smiled at the two new people. His mum bent down and hugged me, with tears in her eyes. I heard Harry mumbling something about how embarrassing his mum was behind me, but I only hugged her tighter.
I looked up into her eyes, “Why are you crying?” I asked, not liking to see people unhappy.
She laughed at the same time that tears were running down her face, but smiled down at me, “cause I was blessed with the perfect daughter.”

Smile (A One Direction Fanfic)
Fanfictionsmile smīl/ noun 1. form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed. 7 year old, Anna has lived at an orphanage for the past five years and other than the...