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The rest of the notes are much of the same; he talks about my quirks, my habits, the good, the bad - everything.

When I finish reading them, I can't move.

John did everything in his power to make me happy. Of course I noticed, but did I really not give him thanks enough? I know he said to not feel sad, but I do. Constantly.

I put the notes back in the box and close the lid. Standing, I grab the box and hold it to my chest. A few tears make their way down my cheek, but I don't care.

I go to my bedroom, open the box, and take out every note. Going to the kitchen, I find some tape then go back and put a piece to the top of every note before placing them all over the flat.

Every corner I turn, I'm met with John's writing. I smile at each one and go about my day.

Each night I dream of John and place him in my mind palace. Whenever I'm feeling down or withdrawn, I just visit John and everything is okay again.

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