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There was a noise behind me. It sounded like the soft pitter-patter of rain against a window. Or water dripping one by one from a leaky faucet. Only it wasn’t water. It was human. Slow and steady. I should turn around. See who it is. But I’m not going to do that. I just need to say something. Why do I get the feeling that it’s the girl that was on the bus?

I gave in and turned around. I was right. It was her. Her bag was slung over her shoulder. Both hands gripping the strap tightly. Her head was down watching her feet move one in front of the other. Say something Harry, say something.

“I thought I was the only one that wanders the street at night. I guess I was wrong.” I said. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Out of all the things that I could’ve said this was what came out. Great job.

“I’m not wandering. I just lost track of time.” She replied. Her voice wasn’t high and it wasn’t deep. It was right in between. It flowed like water in a river. I stopped walking.

“Just sayin’ kid. The night is when the darkness creeps out.” I muttered. Of course night is when the darkness comes out. It’s dark outside moron!

“I’m not a kid; and I think I’d know that by now.” The confidence in her voice made me stand straighter. When she was by my side I continued to walk.

“Then what are you?” I asked. A girl idiot.

“I’m Galen. That’s what I am.” She whispered. Galen, like the scientist or something? I studied him I think. I shook my head.

“I didn’t ask who you were. I asked what you were.” I should really stop talking. She stayed quiet.

“What’s your name?” she asked. What is my name?

“Uh, Harry.” I stated. My name sounds like shit compared to hers.

“Harry as in ‘hairy’,” she pointed to her hair, “or harry as in...Harry?” I do have a lot of hair.

“Harry as in Harry. Not as in ‘hairy’.” I ran my fingers through my hair. She nodded.

“Do you come here? As in Flagler U.?” she asked. I nodded.

“I’m on a scholarship. I only take one class though. Philosophy.” I managed to spat out. She just nodded and inhaled deeply.

“Are you graduating already?” she said eagerly. Maybe she wants to get rid of me. I nodded.

“Cool. Cool. I am too. Seniors are only allowed to take philosophy.” She added.

“But you’re like 18. How is that possible?” I wondered.

“I’m 18 and a half and I studied hard. I graduated high school as a sophomore and I entered college as a sophomore.” She sighed.

“Wow. That’s kind of amazing Galen. I don’t have that kind of dedication towards school.” I muttered.

“I don’t either.” She whispered/mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I couldn’t say anything. Everything was silent after that.

There came a point in the side walk where it went towards the right but continued forward. When we got there we stopped walking ad she looked up towards me.

“Nice meeting you Harry. See you around.” She slightly bowed and turned around walking up to a big brick building. I really hope to see her around. See seemed chill. She seemed like the kind of girl that would sit and laugh as the apocalypse was happening. Or the kind of girl that would call everyone over so they can watch as a zombie eats her alive. While she takes pictures of course.

I continued walking down the sidewalk until I ran into a metal mailbox. Keep your head up Harry. Stop being stupid. I rubbed my midsection where I hit the mailbox and made my way up to my front door. A stupid, wimpy, wooden door. I can’t complain because if I was a door I would look like the one I was unlocking now.

Once opened, the clothes came off. I stumbled over a few boxes waiting to be unpacked but I made it to my room safely. I would say I jumped into bed but it was just a mattress with an old blanket and one pillow. Instead in crawled into it pulling the blanket over me and resting my head on the pillow which felt like nothing because it had no fluff whatsoever. Oh well, it’s late. Or early? Whatever. I feel asleep minutes after lying face down in the humping position. My favorite position.

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