A Night on the Couch

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 "Did you know that NSync was featured on the Tarzan soundtrack?" Kara asked Lena one night after dinner.

"Ugh, yes," she responded, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh?" Kara scrunched up her nose the way she always did when she was confused. "Why ugh? What's wrong with NSync?"

"Nothing, darling, forget I said anything," Lena said quickly.

"No, c'mon. I wanna hear it."

"Kar, please just let this drop. It's not a big deal."

"Lena, what were you going to say?"


"Tell me!" Kara insisted. "Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me..."

"Kara would you stop!" Lena shouted.

"Uh-uh. Tell me tell me tell me t-"

"Boy bands aren't real music! Alright, I said it. They're just stupid gimmick bands. They have little to no talent. They're just pretty faces with great hair who sing like teenage girls and prance around in skinny jeans and stupid tops. They're really overrated and obnoxious, and I wouldn't listen to any of their music if you didn't love it so damn much."
Kara didn't know what to say to that. She sputtered some nonsense, utterly flabbergasted by Lena's confession. She felt really hurt, and it must have shown on her face because Lena's expression softened.

"Kar, I'm sorry. Come on, love, I didn't mean it."

"No, you meant it," Kara whispered. She stalked off in the direction of their bedroom, leaving Lena to clean up from dinner.

About fifteen minutes later, the dishes were clean, dry, and put away, the table was cleared off, the leftovers had been packed and put in the fridge, and Kara still hadn't come out. Lena heaved a sigh and knocked on the door.

"Leave me alone," Kara called.

"I said I was sorry," Lena said, knowing Kara's super hearing would pick up her voice, no matter how lowly she spoke. "Kara, love, you can't hide in there forever."

"I can and I will," Kara grumbled.

"Please, love, just talk to me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Kara got up off of the bed and pulled open the door. She glared at Lena as she muttered a thank you under her breath and moved to sit on the edge of their bed. They sat in silence for a while.

"What did you mean when you say they have 'little to no talent'? I'll have you know that they are very talented." Kara felt her voice rising. She knew this was stupid and she should shut up and accept Lena's obviously sincere apology, but something about Lena insulting her favorite band had really irked her. "And their music is amazing. And their style is not stupid. And you can't just hate them because they're pretty and they have nice hair. I'm pretty. I have nice hair. Do you hate me?"

"No, of course not."

"That'd be like me saying that you're just the CEO of L-Corp because you're a pretty girl with a good taste in clothes."

"Kara stop. That's not nice."

"Little to no talent? Really, Lena? Little to no talent?"

"Like I said, just forget I said anything-"

"No. That was rude. I mean, it's not like you can say anything. I've heard you sing..." Kara trailed off. "Rao, Lena, I'm sorry. That didn't come out how I meant it. I know your voice is a big insecurity of yours, and it didn't help when I made you sing our vows and all-"

"Save it, Kara," Lena said coldly, retreating back into the living room.

Kara sat down again and put her head in her hands. She didn't know why she had thought it was ok to target something that she knew Lena was insecure about, and she felt awful. This was almost as bad as the time she had been exposed to red kryptonite and told Alex that they weren't really sisters since they weren't blood related. She could hear sniffling coming from the living room. Her wife choked back a sob. She wanted to go in and apologize right away, but she was afraid that she'd only make things worse. It was best just to give Lena a little space.


It had been an hour and half and Lena still hadn't come to bed. Kara had already eaten her emergency chocolate that she kept under the bed. She decided to try and talk to her wife. She walked slowly into the living room. Lena didn't look up.


Lena still didn't look up. Kara walked around to the front of the couch so that she could face her. Lena's eyes were red and puffy. It was obvious that Kara had really hit a nerve.

"Are you coming to bed?" she asked tentatively, looking down at the ground.

"No," Lena answered. "I'll be fine here."


"Goodnight, Kara."

Kara stumbled back into bed, defeated. She felt even worse than she had before she had talked to Lena, if that was even possible. Why did she have to get so worked up over something so utterly pointless? A few hours later, around one in the morning, Kara still couldn't sleep. She got up and slunk back into the living room to find Lena curled up in the fetal position at one end of the couch. She moved to the other end.

"You still mad at me?" she asked.

"Maybe," Lena answered, once again refusing to look at her.

"I'm really sorry," Kara apologized, scooting closer. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I wasn't thinking. Mon let a prisoner loose this week at the DEO, and Snapper's been on me about this stupid article about Cat that apparently 'only I can write-"

"I get that work's been tough, but that doesn't give you the excuse to talk to me like that," Lena interrupted, finally looking at Kara.

"I know," Kara whispered. "I know. I shouldn't have overreacted like that. It was stupid, I love you, and I'm sorry."

Lena sighed and crawled into Kara's lap, wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist.

"I forgive you," she said. "And I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have insulted your favorite music artist."

"Oh, please," Kara snorted. "They're not my favorite."

"Really?" Lena asked, cocking an eyebrow. "May I ask who is?"

"You," the Kryptonian whispered, pressing her lips to Lena's temple.

"Kara, you know that's cheesy. Even for you."

"No, I'm serious!" She looked into Lena's green eyes. "You have the most beautiful voice. I could listen to it for hours."

"You and I both know that's not true. I'm excruciatingly tone deaf."

"I don't care, I love it when you sing."

"Alright, whatever, sappy. Let's go to bed. Work's been no picnic for me, either, and I'm exhausted. You're flying me to our room, by the way. I'm not walking."

Kara laughed and obliged. Her heart was a thousand times lighter now that Lena wasn't upset with her. It was much easier to fall asleep with Lena's body pressed against her own. 

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