The Call

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 Zianna's parents had gone to a party for the evening. And all poor Zianna had to do was stay home and watch her two little siblings, making sure they didn't get in any trouble. Wishing she were out hanging with her friends on a clear and beautiful Friday night instead of at home baby sitting the two kids, Zianna flicked on the TV in the den.

The kids were in the next room, the living room, playing with their toys. After flipping the channels for what seemed like hours, she finally came across a made-for-TV movie that looked pretty good. A romance, her favorite. As Zianna started to settle into the movie, the kids came in, saying that they were hungry and wanted something to eat. So while the kids took over the television, Zianna went into the kitchen to make spaghetti for the three of them.

Just as everything was about to be finished, the phone rang. Zianna went to answer but her little brother got to it first and said, "Hello? Smith residence." No answer. "Gimme the phone!" Zianna said, snatching from her brother. "Hello, who is this?" Zianna demanded. "I'm near" said the voice on the other side. "Near where?" Zianna replied, but there was nothing but a dial tone. A little shaken, Zianna checked on the kids and finished preparations for dinner. She set up the table and dished out spaghetti for everyone. After everyone chowed down, the kids decided to take a nap on the couch while Zianna finished up the movie. As she turned on the TV, she saw it was almost over. "Great... she mumbled right before the phone rang again.

Forgetting the previous episode, she ran to the phone before it woke the kids and shattered her peace. Snatching up the receiver, she blurted, "Hello?". "I'm closer" reported the other end. "Huh, excuse me?" said Zianna. But once again, nothing but a dial tone. Zianna was bugging out now. "I'm near, I'm closer?" "What the heck?" she wondered aloud. Deciding to get to the bottom of it she called the operator. "Yes, how may I help you?" the operator said.

"I'm getting a couple of strange phone calls here and I was wondering if you can tell me where they came from?" asked Zianna.

"No," replied the operator, "but I could put a tap on your line and the next time he calls I can tell you where it came from." Zianna thanked the operator and hung up.

She walked over to the kids and woke them up. She didn't want to scare them but she had to have them awake in case of emergency. Zianna deliberated on calling her parents, but she decided that she is old enough to handle this herself. "I'm 17, and I'm brave" Zianna knew, "I can handle this". Just as she was summoning her courage, the phone rang. Zianna told the kids to stay quiet and on the couch. She answered the phone with a faint, "Hello?" The weirdo said, "I'm here now, and my, it is so sharp..." He giggled in the background.. "Huh? Wh.. What's so sharp?" Zianna blurted. "Where are you?" But the man hung up. Instantly the phone rang again. It was operator. "Get out now! Those calls are coming from inside your house! I will call the police! Get out!"

Zianna slammed down the phone, grabbed her keys and the kids and flew out the front door. They got in the car and locked all the doors..All of a sudden, police cars came roaring up the driveway. One car checked on the kids while four policeman burst into the house. They searched everywhere until they finally came to the attic. Upon going in they found a young man standing in the corner with a cellular phone and a butcher knife, getting ready to head downstairs.

Zianna has kids of her own now, and is very protective of all of them.

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