Me talking about it

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 Hey people its your author. This is me just talking about the story so if you want to skip it go ahead, if not well ill get started.

  This story is one i had a "dream about" i guess, it just poped into my head so I stated righting. I wrote it a while ago on paper. I found it as I was cleaning, and I was like "OH MY GOD! Ill right this on Wattpad!" So im here now coping off all the pages onto the computer. So I hope you like it, but like I said I started this story a while ago, as in a few years ago, so WARRNING my righting style might be diffrent, and the sory might be crazy. BUT HEY it will be entertaining right? Well I hope you enjoy, and the next page will be me explaining the characters, because the first four pages I wrote was about the characters XD. But I hope you enjoy!

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