Arrival and Blue-eyes

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Imagine the smallest place you've ever been, half it, and you've got Spark Shores. Spark Shores  sounds like a dreamy place by the lake, it's not. Not at all. All the water is gone and a tiny enclave sits on it. I found it hard to believe this was my new home. Our truck pulled around the tight corners of the downtown. 'Apartments, a restaurant, general store. Okay, pretty normal.'  I thought.
"Isn't it great?!" Exclaimed my father, beaming.
I nodded. "It's cute." It was, but I didn't understand why we went from booming Vancouver, to tiny this.
"What do you think, Tay?" Asked dad, turning to mom.
"Uh... it'll take some adjusting, but it's a charming place" .
We pulled in front of an old building held up by pillars that resembled piled up books.
My dad frowned at the sign. "Well, that will be coming down."
The Spark Valley Library no longer existed, giving my dad the opportunity to open a bookstore- his lifelong dream.
"Could use a fresh coat of paint." Murmured my mother.
We stared at the crumbly building.
"It's very cool." I commented to fill the empty silence. My dad nodded then climbed out of the car and signaled us to help unpack.

The next 2 hours, dragged on unloading our things into our narrow apartment atop the library. The most treacherous part was lugging dads huge trunk of books up the steep stairs.
My father adores books, so do I. Our whole house was adorned with bookshelves stuffed with books. I'm named after Scout, from my parents favorite book- To Kill A Mocking Bird. Once everything was unloaded, and walked 3 seconds to the local restaurant- Spark Restaurant.
As we sat in a small table in the corner, a young lady approached us, her name tag told us her name was Sam. "Hello, welcome to the Spark Restaurant. What would you like to drink?"
While my parents answered Sam's question, I looked around, and was startled by the bluest I've ever seen. They pierced into me. I quickly looked away and focused on Sam. The blue eyes belonged to a girl about my age, and she would not look away. I buried my head in my menu. Luckily, Sam cane back to block my view of blue-eyes.
"Have you decided?" Sam asked
"Yes, can we get a Club Sandwich, a Chicken Soup, and a Grilled Cheese please." Said my mom.
Sam scribbled this down, but she had one more thing to say before she left- " I was wondering are you just visiting or......" her voice trailed of.
Dad jumped at the chance to blurt out everything " Actually," he started " We just moved, were opening a bookstore." I frowned. Dad was to happy about all of this, did he even care we ditched Vancouver? "Well that's great! Welcome to Spark Shores!" Sam exclaimed and hurried off. I glanced over at blue-eyes, but, she was gone.
Suddenly, she appeared in front of me, extended her hand and said- "Hi, I'm Juniper. You can call me June." I shook her hand slowly.
" Um...hi, I'm Scout. I just moved here."
'This is SO awkward' I thought to myself .
" Awesome. Are you going to SSE?"
I looked at mom, she nodded.
" Yes I am."
"Cool, see you there." She said, and skipped of.
" She seems nice." Commented my mom
"Yeah." I agreed.
I decided I would reserve judgement.
This was going to be harder than I thought.

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