Chapter 1: It Started in the Summer: Part 1

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Usually the school would be like a funeral on a Monday, only today wasn't just any ordinary day. After 195 days, 39 weeks, 1,755 hour, (excluding extracurricular activities) sophomore year was at it's end for Alfred F. Jones.

   Going down the noisy hallway, there was an unusual spring in Alfred's step. "Watch it you annoying American!" The Cuban teen shouted as the blond bumped shoulders while passing by. "Sorry! My bad!" He apologized quickly before darting away. "My bad..! It's always that stupid American's fault..." He grumbled irritability.

   Alfred paced up the stairs to the 2nd floor, taking shallow breaths. As soon as he reached the 2nd floor he quickly made a sharp left and continued up on the stairs leading up to the 3rd floor, where his locker was located.  "Don't push yourself too much, Jones! You're lungs might collapse. You know you're the right be running at high speed, right?" Chuckled a boy from the soccer team, to which Alfred observed was wearing the team's shirt. "Heh...yeah." Alfred barely said with a fake lopsided grin as he quickly as possible passed the boy, avoiding eye contact. Not trying to think any deeper of what the boy said, he pushed the thoughts away. The American subconsciously zipped up his sweater.

    Alfred could swear he heard that tone underneath the boy's seemed more taunting. But whether the soccer player was just concern for him, or said it in more of a teasing manner, trying to bother him a bit, it didn't matter. He could no longer tell the difference, but he was used to it.

   Holding onto the railing he caught his breath for a bit before at a more calm manner, continued up the stairs. There seemed to be a slight shift in him mood. Heh...what's that about?

  "Hallo, Al!" An arm suddenly swung around Alfred's, belonging to his German, or as he claimed Prussian, friend. As soon as he heard Gilbert's voice, Alfred quickly put on one of his stupid grins, forgetting the taunt. "Hey Gilbert, excited for summer?" The Blond asked the albino. Gilbert gave him a devilish smirk and put his arm down, "ja, I'll ve going home for the summer. Mien oma (my grandmother) keeps nagging me to visit since I didn't go last year with my bruder."

   Alfred nodded in understanding, a bit upset knowing he wouldn't see nor hear much from the German. Maybe there will be the occasional phone call here and there, but Germany's not actually just a state away. There sure will be a slight delay to make calls.

   Sure, they could text each other, but Gil's grandma is pretty old fashion. She believes that when her grandchildren visit, they are to spend 'quality family time'. Also from what Gilbert told Alfred, his grand didn't like the concept of spending your time in front of a screen all day long; 'it'll rot your brains,' Gilbert quoted her once.

  "So, you're leaving tonight. Right?" Alfred questioned as both waked down the 3rd floor corridor. "Ja, around 8p.m, but it'z a long ride to the airport. Like a hour and a half or something? So I'll probably leave around 6, but I haven't packed yet...So as zoon as I get home I need to get started...such a choir." The albino said exhaustively.

  "Too bad then, bro." Alfred sympathized with his friend. Gilbert nodded before grinning again at Alfred, "so, vhat do jou got planned for zhis summer, Al?"

  The American paused for a while to think. He really didn't have anything special planned this summer now that he thought about it. He always went along with whatever comes his way. Which in result, he's spent most summers in his room, watching TV, or video games, with stocks full of junk food he can consume in just a few hours. He usually doesn't go out much because most of his friends visit relatives in foreign countries, and his brother, Matt, is usually at the ice rink for hockey practicing.

   "I guess nothing really...again. But, I'm gonna have a blast anyways! Haha!" The blond laughed boisterously

   "Ah! I thought I recognize that obnoxious sound. Hello Fredka, Gilbert." A chirpy voice said from behind them.

   Both boys visibly shivered slightly, and with reluctance turned to face the voice's owner. "Yo, Ivan. What a not-so-pleasant surprise." Alfred answered back, glaring slightly at his arch nemesis. That didn't seem to impact Ivan's overly sweet, yet sadistic smile the slightest. "So you say. I just couldn't over help hearing your conversation with your little friend here," Ivan nodded a Gilbert who slightly flinched though tried not to show it. He was too 'awesome' for that.

   "Wow, Iv. Creeping up on people and spying on them? What's not to expect from a commie." Alfred said while rolling his eyes. Looking down at Gilbert, Alfred could tell by how he was unusually quiet and avoiding eye contact by looking at the lockers that it was time to get away from the Russian. "Anyhoodles, me and Gil got somewhere to be. And I won't let ya' ruin my mood today." Alfred said with a smug smirk. "In two hours, I won't have to see your big nose for a long time. See ya!"  Alfred said, wrapping his arm around Gilbert's neck and leading both of them away from from tall ash blond. He didn't even spare a glance at the now scary looking Russian.

    "Really, where to is it that you have to go? Lunch is over already, so where else besides the cafeteria will you be going to, Fredka?" The tall teen called after them with a curious, childish voice. "Perhaps a second lunch? That would explain a lot..." Ivan's eyes traveled down to Alfred's stomach.

   Underneath the fake innocence in his tone, Alfred could hear the mocking way he said it.   

    Alfred froze for a minute, his arm around Gilbert gone slightly stiff. Gilbert gave the slightly tan teen a concerned glance. Ivan had said it so loud that a few people around them have heard it and began chuckling.

    Alfred remained silent for a second, feeling something sting within him and embarrassed. Even with his back turned, he could feel Ivan's and many other's eyes scrutinizing his form.

Ahh, there it was.

Ivan's favorite spot to poke at, like many others, was always his weight. Because that could assure him he got some kind of reaction. How he loved to poke at his favorite American. Expecting Alfred to turn around and start throwing curse words and insults at him, Ivan's smile grew.

  Alfred felt many eyes on him, waiting for his response. 'Only two more hours and I won't have to deal with this bullsh*t again for a while.' Alfred thought bitterly.

   Summoning something unknown within him, he calmed his posture. Turning his head around to face Ivan with a big fake smile, and eyes squinted.

"It is none of your business, understand? So can you do as some say, Fuck off? да?" Alfred said mockingly at the end, faking an Russian accent. Surprising, he sounded composed.

Some kids laughed and chuckled. Ivan's aura darkened even more, quickly silencing most of them.

  "H-hey, is it me or is it kinda cold in here? In the summer no less..." A student said to her friends, staring at the scary Russian.

 That was it. Alfred quickly turned to face forward and speed walked away with Gilbert, knowing full well that he was sorta putting his and others' safety on the line by pissing off the Russian. Also, because he knew that by not giving Ivan time to strike back would only anger him more.

   "American pig." Ivan muttered bitterly.


Author's note-

Only part 1 of chapter 1. I thought this chapter was going to be way too long so I'm cutting it into parts. Others many not be as long as this one. Give the yandere aspect time to form and other character to be introduced.

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