Alyssa POV
After I got her hoodie off I couldn't stop myself...she had an amazing figure and her lips were amazing....I wanted her to myself so I pulled her off the couch and we then stumbled into the bedroom. I then pushed her onto the bed and started kissing her neck I could hear tiny moans come from her....ugh she was so sexy when she moaned... After I was done kissing her I started sucking on her neck it wasn't long before I hit a her g-spot, she then moaned super loud but was breathing at a steady and slow pace
"M-more Alyssa...p-pretty please...?" was all she could muster out. I followed her command and kept sucking...the more I sucked the more she moaned....the more she moaned the more I was turned on I was... I then started unbuttoning the flannel she was wearing to reveal her blackberry colored bra... She was amazing shirtless.I then started kissing her stomach because how delicate it was...she moaned with every kiss I gave her... I finally reached her pelvis...I put my hand down her pants "O-oh..." was all I heard from her I then started touching her liked she was never before I then heard her moan super loud...."m-more!" I then took off her pants off to reveal that she was super wet from me just touching her....that turned me on so much... I thought I was going to die from just looking at her like that... I looked at her face which was covered in sweat and her face was super red from how embarrassed she was because I saw her like this, I then went up to her and kissed several times leaving some of my saliva dripping from my mouth we both liked this.... After a couple of minutes of making out I then felt Jacey tug in my shirt I knew what she wanted so I started stripping down for being myself blushed a lot during this process which had made her smile a little
"Why are pretty Alyssa?" I must have blushed even more because she she then kissed my cheek. I shrugged but laughed a little "I'm not that pretty Jace..." My sentence was cut off to her taking my sweats off and then making me start to reach my climax with ever move she made with her hands"Just relax're so tight and moist... I love it" said Jacey with a little smirk on her face still moving her hand where my underwear was. "I-I'm almost there..." I said moaning and could barely say anything... She then started touching herself with her free hand and moaned quietly in my ears...she knew I was close...she knew that I was going to... I couldn't keep it any just came out..she smiled with pleasure and licked the remains I was so exhausted from her doing that to me...she moaned one last time before I fell asleep "whoa...that...was amazing.."was the last the last thing I could hear
her say.
Well I'm finally done with the second chapter hopefully you liked it....also more smut is coming do not worry
The only thing that would make it better is a kiss: A Jalyssa fanfic *shitty*
RomanceThings were horrible for both Jacey and Alyssa they never had anyone to talk to or anything to do but listen to music and cry about My Chemical Romance braking up. They knew they had to do something with their Emo life so they had both just gotten t...